
User facing frontend to the GOV.AU content site.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

GOV.AU Beta Frontend

Foo This project provides the user facing frontend to the GOV.AU content site.

Circle CI Code Climate Test Coverage

GOV.AU stack

If you're contributing to this repo, then you'll most likely be contributing to the other GOV.AU repos in the stack:


  • Ruby 2.3.1
  • PostgreSQL 9.4

Local Ruby on Rails development environment on Mac OSX

# install homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
# install rbenv
brew install rbenv ruby-build

# Add rbenv to bash so that it loads every time you open a terminal
echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

# Install Ruby
rbenv install 2.3.1

# missing openssl.h
brew install openssl
brew link openssl --force

# Can't find the 'libpq-fe.h header
brew install postgresql
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/postgresql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
# logs etc. in /usr/local/var/postgres/

# install phantomjs for running javascript-enabled feature tests
brew install phantomjs

# install deps
bundle install

# Setup environment variables
cp .env.sample .env

# Make any changes you need to (change credentials etc)
$EDITOR .env

Prevent accidental commits of security credentials

  1. Install "git secrets"

     $ brew install git-secrets
     $ git secrets --install
     $ git secrets --add-provider ./git-secret-patterns.rb
  2. Commits that introduce files containing matching illegal patterns will be aborted.

To force the commit for false positives, run git commit --no-verify.


We use Mailtrap for development email testing. To configure Mailtrap, create an account (the free version is fine) and view the inbox to get your SMTP username and password. Add these to your environment or .env file as MAILTRAP_USERNAME and MAILTRAP_PASSWORD.

Setup and Run Content Analysis Project

See Content Analysis for detailed instructions.

git clone git@github.com:AusDTO/gov-au-beta-content-analysis.git

#Please see project documentation for complete details

Setup and Start the App

# setup db with seed data
rails db:setup

# run local dev server at http://localhost:3000
bundle exec rails server

Setting Up/Deploying to cloudfoundry

Thanks to http://docs.cloudfoundry.org/buildpacks/ruby/ruby-tips.html

# first time setup
# https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/devguide/services/migrate-db.html
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/10302357/684978 for db: rake tasks
cf create-service aws-rds-postgres 5.6-t2.micro-5G gov-au-beta-db
cf service gov-au-beta-db # do until status is 'available' - 10 minutes or so
cf push -i 1 -u none -c "bundle exec rake db:schema:load db:seed"
cf set-env gov-au-beta SECRET_KEY_BASE `rails secret`
cf set-env gov-au-beta ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN aabcc

Production Deployment

Production URL is https://gov-au-beta-blue.apps.platform.digital.gov.au/

To deploy to Production, tag the desired branch with a version number and push.

git tag v0.01

CircleCI will run the test suite and deploy to production on pass.

Migrating data between RDS instances

There may occasionally be a need to migrate data from one RDS instance to another. In these instances, you will require:

  • CF access to the environments the RDS instances run on
  • Access to a jumpbox to connect directly to the amazon RDS instances

The latter can be set up by the webops team, but needs to be performed behind a whitelisted IP (typicaly the office).

As CloudFoundry picks owner and database names for the RDS instances, we need to produce an export that has no ownership or privileges. We can find the CF credentials for these instances in the environment variables for an application that is bound to them.

  • SSH into the jump-box that has access to the source RDS instance
  • pg_dump --no-owner --no-acl -c -h SRC_RDS_HOST -U SRC_RDS_USERNAME -W SRC_RDS_NAME > db.sql
    • You will need to provide the SRC_RDS_PASSWORD
  • If local migrations need to be run on this, SCP the file to your local machine, run the necessary migrations, and SCP the file back.
  • If the target RDS instance is on a different subnet from the source, you will need to SCP the db dump to a jump-box on that subnet.
  • With the target file: psql -h TARGET_RDS_HOST -U TARGET_RDS_USERNAME -W -d TARGET_RDS_NAME < db.sql
    • YOu will need to provide the TARGET_RDS_PASSWORD

Blue / Green deploys

Deployments occur to two applications that run off the same RDS instance - blue and green. They are deployed one at a time so that there is always at least one application that is routable, in order to minimize downtime for the end-user.

There is an issue when binding multiple apps to the one RDS instance, whereby the second app to be bound has permissions issues and cannot access the data necessary to successfully start. As such, the secondary app must be started without a bound service, and must instead reference the absolute URL of the database manually using the DATABASE_URL environment variable. This environment variable can be obtained from the environment variable list of the application already bound to the service (there must be one).

Given this, the manifest.yml file does not need to declare a service for the application (as this would cause both applications to bind to the service during a push, which breaks for one). This must be done manually when creating a new environment for the first time, and will not happen automatically as part of any push command.

Development Process

Pull requests and branch protection

Branch protection is currently turned on for develop, which means that all pull requests need to pass several tests before they can be merged. The current tests are:

  • circleCI - continuous integration to build and execute tests on the branch
  • LGTM - reviewer approval plugin on the pull request

Reviewing pull requests

Pull requests currently require approval from at least two people before they can be merged. After approval has been granted, the PR can be merged by anyone (either the last reviewer or the author). The list of potential reviewers is stored in the root of the repo, as a list of GitHub user accounts in MAINTAINERS.

To provide approval for a pull request once satisified with the code:

  • Leave a message of LGTM within the main thread of comments.
  • If as a result the build turns green and is ready, use the merge button (unless otherwise directed in the PR).

In some instances an author may wish to merge a PR themselves, so it is important to check the message accompanying the PR to ensure the last reviewer is able to merge. By default, it is safe to merge a PR as the last reviewer to provide approval.

Code Climate

To run Code Climate locally, first install the Code Climate CLI, then run from the root of the repo:

codeclimate analyze

You can also view the Code Climate live feed for the develop branch, but you will need an invitation from someone on your team.


The application uses nested layouts (using the inside_layout method inside ApplicationHelper).

  • Public facing pages all use or are nested within app/views/layouts/application.html.haml.
  • Sections use app/views/layouts/section.html.haml
  • Custom section layouts should be nested inside section. For example:
= inside_layout('section') do
  / Your markup
  = yield

Node types

To create a new node type, do the following:

  • Create a model class that extends Node
  • Update node.rb to require the new model file
  • Add any versioned attributes as content_attributes and other attributes as store_attributes
  • Run rails g administrate:dashboard <node_class>
  • Update the dashboard to extend NodeDashboard (see NewsArticleDashboard as an example)
  • Update routes.rb with a resource for the admin namespace
  • Add a locale entry for domain_model.nodes.<node_class>
  • Update the new node, new submission and edit node forms for any new fields
  • Add the node type to list in Editorial::NodeController#prepare
  • Create a template in views/templates/<node_class>
  • If required, create a subclass of NodeDecorator with class specific decorator logic
  • If required, create a subclass of NodeForm with any additional revisable attributes with an associated template partial in editorial/submissions
  • If required, update seeds.rb to have examples of the node type
  • Create tests to verify subclass specific logic

Generating a static snapshot of GOV.AU

  1. Install a local prodution snapshot in your development database
  2. rm -fr ./out
  3. RAILS_ENV=static bundle exec rails static:generate
  4. bundle exec rails static:serve

This will create a static snapshot in ./out which can be viewed at http://localhost:8000

When tweaking the spider code itself, it's quicker to test just downloading the home page.

    bundle exec rails static:home

This will download the home page and all of the referenced assets (except for remote assets).