
StatSVN is a metrics-analysis tool for charting software evolution through analysis of Subversion source repositories.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


StatSVN is a statistics tool for SVN repositories. It generates HTML reports from SVN log files.

The StatSVN Manual

The StatSVN manual is located here: http://svn.statsvn.org/statsvnwiki/index.php/UserManual

Quick Start

  1. Download the latest release from here.
  2. Expand the zip file into some directory, e.g C:\statsvn
  3. Check out a working copy of the desired SVN module into some directory, e.g. C:\myproject.
  4. Change into that directory and type svn log --xml -v > svn.log
  5. Change back to the c:\statsvn directory
  6. Type java -jar statsvn.jar C:\myproject\svn.log C:\myproject
  7. Open C:\statsvn\index.html in your web browser

You can tweak the output of StatSVN in various ways. Run java -jar statsvn.jar for an overview of the command line parameters, and check the manual for full information.