- 6
Hierarchical Deterministic questions
#36 opened by TZ12345678 - 0
Allow user to set custom nLockTime and nSequence
#85 opened by kuopassa - 5
Tests are broken on Python 3.5
#31 opened - 1
Extensibility of networking backend
#81 opened by AustEcon - 4
- 1
Test net balance not updated
#76 opened by Harvey44 - 5
- 2
- 1
- 4
prepare_transaction needs the key object
#73 opened by Mahsa-Bastankhah - 2
Any plan to change dust to 135sat
#74 opened by gitzhou - 3
`black` the codebase
#70 opened - 1
Mattercloud is now a paid service
#68 opened by AustEcon - 0
- 2
- 2
Support miner fee less than 1 sat/b
#56 opened by gitzhou - 11
rates / satoshi_to_currency_cached
#59 opened by breign - 5
Unable to pushtx over Tor
#57 opened - 3
0.10.0 isn't on pypi
#58 opened - 2
inability to handle pre-generated 'false return' metadata from other libraries
#52 opened by AustEcon - 0
- 0
Add tests for Fullnode class to ensure equivalence with NetworkAPI 5 main functions
#51 opened by AustEcon - 0
Add unit test for get_transaction() to ensure return value is the same across all APIs
#45 opened by AustEcon - 3
Add sendall() function to PrivateKey class
#50 opened by AustEcon - 5
- 6
#47 opened by AustEcon - 8
0.9.0 Release
#43 opened - 3
Fix TxOutput dataclass - shows an ugly error for OP_RETURNS that are not utf-8 encoded.
#44 opened by AustEcon - 7
Printing to stdout on network retries
#38 opened - 10
Add get_unspent() back to NetworkAPI
#40 opened - 17
Rates API is down
#30 opened - 4
Cutting a new release
#34 opened - 2
- 5
To Do list
#5 opened by AustEcon - 0
- 4
send_op_return not present on PrivateKeyTestnet
#22 opened by ferndot - 5
Consideration of adding "send-max" feature
#18 opened by gitzhou - 10
Address format?
#11 opened - 25
- 5