
Creating DRL infrastructure for Dynamic Beta with Zipline and Keras

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

TODO: For some reason, when I wrote all this, I thought I would need to create a lot of different state space representations so I didn't use openai-gym, instead porting the spaces I needed over. A refactor using openai-gym should be done.

To get set up: Create conda environment with python 3.5, and activate environment. NOTE: You might need to install nbformat first - don't know why.

conda env create -f freeze.yml -n <name_of_env>
source activate <name_of_env>

Afterwards, you'll need to get the database setup - the data is from simfin and bloomberg terminals. You can find my process for extracting and processing these data sources in zipdl/data/ingestion_stuff. If necessary, I can provide the completed database on request.

Once you're setup, you can run zip_learning.py or zip_learning_rrn.py to start training!

Some quick results with a 2-factor model, sparse universe, with undertrained models, where all sortinos are calculated from a 2-week period:

Train Train Sortino

Models vs Naive:


Final Returns Change

ddqn-0: 0.5332208041793293

ddqn-10: -0.04774836749946829

ddqn-20: 0.3311071280935572

ddqn-30: 0.0202970941744682

rrn-10: 0.059657398785356655

rrn-20: 0.0022288124954322397

rrn-30: -0.008694285065074837

Final Sortino change

ddqn-0: 0.685238838213208

ddqn-10: 0.062264615549842986

ddqn-20: 0.4883762817080995

ddqn-30: 0.04853887924525486

rrn-10: 0.16661150576597428

rrn-20: 0.022934633934009147

rrn-30: -0.085110228085691

Out of sample results:

Test Test Sortino (not the best graph)

Final Returns Change

ddqn-0: 0.28547777910815264

ddqn-10: 0.188430768560971

ddqn-20: -0.09245480173715441

ddqn-30: 0.5129820513099714

rrn-10: 0.2947057350908498

rrn-20: -0.3586516169059371

rrn-30: -0.040198159647625485

Final Sortino Change

ddqn-0: 0.4190644828858481

ddqn-10: 0.2510847813219861

ddqn-20: -0.14976684370119905

ddqn-30: 0.6353655069088276

rrn-10: 0.4354968461587405

rrn-20: -0.3829120232139319

rrn-30: -0.007454717642829451