
Python script to automate deployment of Azure and GCP Virtual Machines

Primary LanguagePython

Azure and GCP VM Deployer

Austin Varghese

Python script that automates creation and deployment of VMs on Azure and GCP

automate.py will:

  • read .conf and create VM's described
  • check if enough info is given
  • print out command before execution (prints out cli command used before using, or the sdk used but unlikely)
  • print out information that command returns
  • write to a file: VMcreation_date.txt that will contain date, system admin name, and then details of VM created
  • copy the used .conf files to azure_date.conf and gcp_date.conf respectively to save as history

How to run the program:

  • Need to be authorized and logged into Azure CLI and GCP CLI. The GCP projects that are used must have the compute API enabled.
  • Must have files called 'Azure.conf' and 'GCP.conf' that follow a set format listed below.
  • To open ports for the VM's, the format within the config files must be 'ports = 80,443' / 'ports = 443,80', no space in between selected ports or just a single port
  • Finally, run the python script automation.py



  • Azure.conf mandatory fields: ['purpose', 'os', 'name', 'resource-group', 'team', 'image', 'location', 'admin-username']
  • Azure.conf additonal fields available: ['admin-password', 'size', 'ports', 'project']
  • NOTE: admin-password is only for window vm's and project is for documentation.


  • ** NAME must be first value ! **
  • GCP.conf mandatory fields: ['name', 'project', 'team', 'purpose', 'os', 'image', 'imageproject', 'zone']
  • GCP.conf additonal fields: ['ports', 'custom-cpu', 'custom-memory', 'machine-type', 'threads-per-core', 'project-id']
  • NOTE: project-id is for specifying a different project outside of the set project. cannot use machine-type with custom-memory and custom-cpu

To open ports, format must be "ports = 80,443" or just "ports = 80". no spaces between anything.

Normal Behaviour:

  • The script may take sometime based upon how many VM's are created.
  • If unknown variables exist in config files, it will ignore them
  • for every VM created, the CLI command will be printed with differing messages in the terminal based on success or failure.
  • Once the script is completed:
    • A new file will be generated: VMcreation_.txt that will contain date, system admin name, and then details of all VM's created.
    • 2 config files that are copies of the used azure and gcp config files.
    • These files are found in 2 folders that are created, one for storing a log of config files, the other for storing a log of VM creation files
  • The script only has as much authorization as the CLI for Azure and GCP, and any errors will be found if attempting something impossible
  • The script will ignore fields in the config files if it is not one of the mandatory/additonal fields listed.


  • Doesn't create resource group for you first, it must exist first.
  • For GCP VM's, each section within the GCP.conf must start with the name of the VM to be created
  • Error checking is done through the CLI as it is very hard to catch all the errors within the config file myself.
  • TO OPEN PORTS: The format within the config files must be 'ports = 80,443' / 'ports = 443,80', no space in between selected ports or just a single port
  • For GCP, I am only able to open ports 80 and 443 (this is not really a limitation of my program rather a limitation of GCP)
  • In Azure, if you create too many VM's and exceed the Usage and Quota limit for a region on your account it will fail to create the VM's.
  • If your GCP account doesnt have access to create Window Servers then it will not let you (this costs extra and is not in the free tier).
  • ANYTHING THAT AZURE AND GCP CLI DOESNT ALLOW I DONT ALLOW (such as machine type with custom cpu/memory)

** Uploaded example Azure.conf and GCP.conf to show formatting **