
MATLAB Code & Trained CNN Ensemble for the MH Dataset

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT



This repository contains the code and trained neural networks that were used to create the "Morphological Heterogeneity" (MH) dataset, which contains images, binary masks, bounding boxes, morphology labels, and other metrics of red blood cells (RBCs) flowing through a microfluidic device. What follows is a brief tutorial on how to use it.


  • MATLAB 2021b or higher
  • Image Processing Toolbox (11.4)
  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox (12.2)
  • Computer Vision Toolbox (10.1)


Test Run

To test your MATLAB setup and the code.

  1. Download and extract the repository.
  2. Delete the U0W0_0_Output folder
  3. Open the Routt_Austin_Segmenter_Classifier_ME_Main.m script in MATLAB
  4. Press Play
  5. When finished, MATLAB should display blended images (microscope images with segmented cells) and the elapsed time in seconds it took the script to finish. If the U0W0_0_Output folder and all of its contents are recreated, your setup and the code are in working order.

Reproduce the MH Dataset from the raw microscope data

There is a lot of data in the MH dataset, so the code is designed to work iteratively. In other words, you derive masks, bounding boxes, and other statistics one Unit-Week-Run at a time. This can be done manually, or by modifying the script with a for-loop. To reproduce the MH dataset:

  1. Go to the MH dataverse repository to download, and then extract the Unit-Week-Run images you want.
    • Each Unit-Week-Run is in a zip file labeled U#W#_#.zip, where # corresponds to an integer for unit number, week number, or run number.
    • To keep track, extract each into a folder named MH Dataset. Keep the U#W#_# designation for the subfolders, as this is required for data analysis.
    • Note that the Unit-Week-Run zip files contain the original images and derived masks, bounding boxes, and various statistics. Only extract the images because you are generating the other data with the script.
  2. After extracting the images into a folder (e.g. D:\MH Dataset\U#W#_#\Images) go into the script and set the import and export paths
    • The import path is on line 50. By default it is dir = ".\U0W0_0";. Change this to dir = "D:\MH Dataset\U#W#_#\Images"; or wherever you extracted the image data.
    • The export path is broken up into two, where the base path is on line 113 and the Unit-Week-Run folder name is on line 115. By default the base is baseDir ='.'; and the output folder is unitWeekRun = 'U0W0_0_Output';. Change these to something like baseDir ='D:\MH Dataset' and unitWeekRun = 'U#W#_#'; or wherever you'd prefer to output the data.
  3. Press Play and let the script collect the data into the output folder.
  4. Repeat this process for all Unit-Week-Run zip files, or you can download and extract all images and modify the code with a for-loop that goes through each folder.

Reproduce the Average Diameter Data & High Resolution RBC Images.

This will require all unit-week-run data. The data must also be separated into subfolders with the U#W#_# naming convention. By default, the script assumes the base path is 'D:\MH Dataset'.

  1. In the code folder, go to the MH Data Analysis subfolder and open the Routt_Austin_MH_Data_Analysis_Main.m script.
  2. The script is broken up into sections, and at the top of each section a base directory path is typically defined. Change these to the base directory of your copy of the entire Unit-Week-Run MH dataset. Alternatively, find and replace all instances of D:\MH Dataset with your chosen base path name.
  3. Run each section at a time, reading the code and comments to understand what is happening, or just press play.
    • This will take a while to finish.