HTML | CSS | Node.js | Javascript | Handlebars.js | Passport.js | MySQL |
Our Goal with this project was to create a simple game that conantians some sort of feedback loop and provides proper insentive to continue playing. With all of those things in mind we decided to borrow ideas from a few successful series, Pokemon and Hearthstone.
In this game, after you sign in you are presented with 500 tokens and the shop to spend them at. Once you purchase a low level meme you can head over to the battle page to select a competetor. from there you will engage in a simple battle that simply involves clicking the attack button. While this section does lack the depth we hoped to build, we were constrained in time and could not implement all of the features we had hoped. And despite those shortcomings, we feel it still conveys all of our respective team members skills.
Log-in using these credintials to give it a spin:
- Email:
- Password: github
link to deployed: