
Team Project, NonProfit Website Remodel

Primary LanguageCSS

Love Thy Neighbor

Denver Local Nonprofit for the Homeless

Website remodel!!!

Full Stack Engineers - Austin Evans and Andrew Hawley

Teamed up with

UX/UI Designers - Amanda Devries and Dylan Eldridge

To donate our time and work on improving this wordpress website


Love Thy Neighbor has been helping the homeless in Denver for several years now

For them it is not just about providing a meal, socks or supplies it is about getting out and having a conversation with those in need.

We decided they deserved some people to give back to them.

We are taking their worpress site and rebuilding it using....

-React.js / NEXT.js -Sass -Stripe -Facebook Developer Interface for Instagram and -Figma

All Professionally Designed and Tested.

We hope you enjoy our code and look forward to our completed project.