
Reads PZEM004T data via USB and write to remote mySQL database. Uses systemctl to manage Python processes.

Primary LanguagePython


Integrated TheHWCave's Pzem004T v3.0 library with my v1.0 library to poll meters every 10 seconds via and posts to a remote mySQL database. Utilizes systemctl to manage python processes for each meter connected (Ex: to Raspberry Pi).


PZEM004T AC electrical meter

Works with both Pzem004T v1.0 and Pzem004T v3.0 modules

Raspberry Pi

  • Tested on Raspberry PI 3 and 3+
  • I do NOT reccomend Pi Zeros v1 or v2 as the USB issues do not resolve without manual power cycling

python libraries

  • First create a virtual environment python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment source venv/bin/activate
  • Install the required librariess
    • MySQL-Connector-Python sudo pip3 install mysql-connector-python


  1. Connect the PZEM meter per specs and connect the serial interface to a Serial-to-USB adapter into a Raspbery Pi.

  2. Create a meter config file (Ex: meter1.py) See below.

  3. Create a systemctl file to manage this process for you. See below

##If you have multiple meters You can use the serial addressing method of the Pzem library to be sure the USB addresses in the config are pointing to the right meter.

Meter Config File Example

from pzemTools.pzem_postv3 import run
import os

table = 'mysql_table'
meter_port = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
meter_addr = 1
meter_ver = 'v3'
mysql_host = 'my.host'
mysql_db = 'mysqldb'
mysql_user = 'myUser'
mysql_pw = 'myPassword'

run( table, mysql_host, mysql_db, mysql_user, mysql_pw, meter_port, meter_addr, meter_ver)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Systemctl File Example

create service file sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/meter1.service with contents

Description=record pzem meter data to database(s)

ExecStart=/home/pi/pzemBackend/venv/bin/python3 /home/pi/pzemBackend/meter1.py
RestartSec=10 User=pi


enable service sudo systemctl enable meter1.service start/stop/restart/status sudo systemctl start meter1.service