
🌭 useful helpers for react-three-fiber

Primary LanguageTypeScript

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A growing collection of useful helpers and abstractions for react-three-fiber, saving you some boilerplate.

If you find yourself repeating set-up code often and if it's generic enough, add it here, everyone benefits!


  • Types
  • ForwardRefs if possible, so that objects can be referenced back
  • Invalidate frames on any movement for those using invalidateFrameloop
  • Cleanup on unmount, no left-overs, restore previous states
yarn add drei
import { ... } from 'drei'


  • <PerspectiveCamera />
  • <OrthographicCamera />
  • <OrbitControls />
  • <MapControls />
  • <TrackballControls />
  • <TransformControls />
  • <Detailed />
  • <PositionalAudio />
  • <StandardEffects />
  • <Sky />
  • softShadows()
  • <HTML />
  • <Shadow />
  • <Stats />
  • draco()
  • meshBounds()
  • useCamera()



⚡️ <PerspectiveCamera />

A responsive THREE.PerspectiveCamera that sets itself as the default.

  makeDefault               // Registers it as the default camera system-wide (default=true)
  {...props}                // All THREE.PerspectiveCamera props are valid
  <mesh />
⚡️ <OrthographicCamera />

A responsive THREE.OrthographicCamera that sets itself as the default.


If available controls have damping enabled by default, they manage their own updates, remove themselves on unmount, are compatible with the invalidateFrameloop canvas-flag. They inherit all props from their underlying THREE controls.

⚡️ <OrbitControls />
⚡️ <MapControls />
⚡️ <TrackballControls />
⚡️ <TransformControls />


⚡️ <Detailed>

A wrapper around THREE.LOD (Level of detail).

  distances={[0, 10, 20]}   // Camera distances, correspends to the # of the children
  {...props}                // All THREE.LOD props are valid
  <mesh geometry={highDetail} />
  <mesh geometry={mediumDetail} />
  <mesh geometry={lowDetail} />
⚡️ <PositionalAudio />

A wrapper around THREE.PositionalAudio. Add this to groups or meshes to tie them to a sound that plays when the camera comes near.

  url="/sound.mp3"          // Url of the sound file
  distance={1}              // Camera distance (default=1)
  loop                      // Repat play (default=true)
  {...props}                // All THREE.PositionalAudio props are valid
⚡️ <StandardEffects />

Adds ambient-occlusion, bloom and SMAA using the postprocessing library.

⚠️ AO relies on the depthbuffer! Make sure your near and far clipping planes are narrow enough, or use <Canvas gl={{ logarithmicDepthBuffer: true }} ... />.

  smaa                      // Can be a boolean (default=true)
  ao                        // Can be a boolean or all valid postprocessing AO props (default=true)
  bloom                     // Can be a boolean or all valid postprocessing Bloom props (default=true)
  edgeDetection={0.1}       // SMAA precision (default=0.1)
  bloomOpacity={1}          // Bloom blendMode opacity (default=1)
  effects={() => [...fx]}   // Define your own: ([smaa, ao, bloom]) => [...effects] (default=undefined)


⚡️ <Sky />

Adds a sky to your scene.

  distance={450000}         // Camera distance (default=450000)
  sunPosition={[0, 1, 0]}   // Sun position normal (default=[0, 1, 0])
  {...props}                // All three/examples/jsm/objects/Sky props are valid

⚡️ softShadows()

Injects percent closer soft shadows (pcss) into threes shader chunk.

  frustrum: 3.75,           // Frustrum width (default: 3.75)
  size: 0.005,              // World size (default: 0.005)
  near: 9.5,                // Near plane (default: 9.5)
  samples: 17,              // Samples (default: 17)
  rings: 11,                // Rings (default: 11)


⚡️ <HTML />

Allows you to tie HTML content to any object of your scene. It will be projected to the objects whereabouts automatically.

  prepend                   // Project content behind the canvas (default: false)
  center                    // Adds a -50%/-50% css transform (default: false)
  fullscreen                // Aligns to the upper-left corner, fills the screen (default:false)
  scaleFactor={10}          // Scales children if set to a number (default=undefined)
  zIndexRange={[100, 0]}    // Z-order range (default=[16777271, 0])
  portal={domnodeRef}       // Reference to target container (default=undefined)
  {...groupProps}           // All THREE.Group props are valid
  {...divProps}             // All HTMLDivElement props are valid

⚡️ <Shadow />

A cheap canvas-texture-based circular gradient.

  color="black"             // Color (default:black)
  colorStop={0}             // First gradient-stop (default:0)
  opacity={0.5}             // Alpha (default:0.5)
  fog={false}               // Reacts to fog (default=false)

⚡️ <Stats />

Adds stats to document.body. It takes over the render-loop!

  showPanel={0}             // Start-up panel (default=0)
  {...props}                // All stats.js props are valid
⚡️ draco()

Adds the Draco extension to your GLTFLoader.

    '/draco-gtltf/'         // Path to the Draco binaries (default='/draco-gtltf/')
⚡️ meshBounds()

A very fast, but often good-enough bounds-only raycast for meshes. You can use this if performance has precidence over pointer precision.

<mesh raycast={meshBounds} />
⚡️ useCamera()

A hook for the rare case when you are using non-default cameras for heads-up-displays or portals, and you need events/raytracing to function properly (raycasting uses the default camera otherwise).

<mesh raycast={useCamera(customCamera)} />