
A library to integrate echo physics with Haxeflixel!

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


Integrate echo physics with Haxeflixel!

This library utilizes Haxeflixel's Plugin system to automatically work with the normal flixel workflow. It also adds a new button to Haxeflixel's debugger (click the new "E" icon in the top bar) for easy physics debugging.

Getting Started

echo-flixel requires Haxe 4.2+ to run.

Install the echo and echo-flixel libraries from haxelib:

haxelib install echo
haxelib install echo-flixel

Add the library into your Project.xml:

<haxelib name="echo-flixel" />


FlxEcho needs to be initialized, which should usually be done in your FlxState:

// using FlxEcho is the preferred way of interacting with the FlxEcho API
using echo.FlxEcho;

class PlayState extends FlxState 
  override function create() 

    // Initialize  FlxEcho
    FlxEcho.init({width: FlxG.width, height: FlxG.height, gravity_y: 20});

You can then add physics bodies to your FlxObjects:

// Create any kind of Sprite!
var sprite = new FlxSprite();

// Add a physics body
// (make sure you have the `using echo.FlxEcho` import in your hx file)

// Add the Sprite to a FlxGroup
var player_group = new FlxGroup();

// NOTE! - This must be used instead of the normal way of adding objects to FlxGroups (ie - `player_group.add(sprite);`)

Lastly, setup a listener and watch your new Physics bodies collide!

FlxEcho.listen(player_group, enemy_group);


import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup;
import flixel.FlxState;
import echo.util.verlet.Verlet;

// `using echo.FlxEcho`` is the preferred way of importing the FlxEcho API
using echo.FlxEcho;

class BasicSampleState extends FlxState {

  var objects:FlxGroup;
  var object_count:Int = 50;

  override function create() {

    // Initialize  FlxEcho
    FlxEcho.init({width: FlxG.width, height: FlxG.height, gravity_y: 20});

    // Draw the debug scene so we can see the Echo bodies
    FlxEcho.draw_debug = true;

    // Create a normal FlxGroup
    objects = new FlxGroup();

    // Create all the FlxObjects and their Echo bodies
    for (i in 0...object_count) {
      // Create a normal FlxObject
      var object = new FlxObject();

      var scale = FlxG.random.float(0.3, 1);

      // Add a body to the object
        x: FlxG.random.float(60, FlxG.width - 60),
        y: FlxG.random.float(0, FlxG.height / 2),
        elasticity: 0.7,
        rotation: FlxG.random.float(0, 360),
        shape: {
          type: POLYGON,
          radius:FlxG.random.float(16, 32),
          width: FlxG.random.float(16, 48),
          height: FlxG.random.float(16, 48),
          sides: FlxG.random.int(3, 8),
          scale_x: scale,
          scale_y: scale

      // Add the object to the FlxGroup
      // NOTE! - This must be used instead of the normal way of adding objects to FlxGroups (ie - `objects.add(object);`)

    // Add a Listener to collide all FlxObjects
    FlxEcho.listen(objects, objects);

    //  Add a Verlet Rope, just for fun!
    FlxEcho.instance.verlet.add(Verlet.rope([for (i in 0...10) new echo.math.Vector2(80 + i * 10, 70)], 0.7, [0]));

Check the sample directory for all examples!