Voltage Tipper ⚡

A Simple Lightning tipping app template built with NextJS and Voltage.

Voltage Tipper Video Walkthrough

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 11 23 40 AM

To deploy, click the button below, create a free Vercel account if you don't have one, fill in the required environment variables from your Voltage node, deploy, and everything should work!

Deploy with Vercel

Run on Replit https://replit.com/@voltage-cloud/voltage-tipper

Table of Contents

  1. Deployment
  2. Environment Variables
  3. API
  4. Contributing
  5. License


To deploy, click the button below, create a free Vercel account if you don't have one, fill in the required environment variables from your Voltage node, deploy, and everything should work!

Deploy with Vercel

Environment Variables

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_HOST: The host URL for your LND lightning node (not including port).
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_INVOICE_MACAROON: The invoice macaroon.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_READ_MACAROON: The read-only macaroon.


The host is your Node's 'API endpoint' you can copy it from your Voltage Dashboard, be sure to include 'https://'. Example: https://plebdev.m.voltageapp.io


The Invoice and Read macaroons are authentication tokens that allows you to interact with your LND node's REST API with permissions for reading data, and creating invoices. You can also grab a "Admin" macaroon for permissions to spend but that is not required here since we are only receiving through this webapp, so your funds are safu.

You can find your Macaroons in your Voltage Dashboard by visiting Manage Access -> Macaroon Bakery


  • /api/lnurl Returns lnurlPay response object defined in LUD-06

  • /api/getlnurl Returns bech32 encoded lnurlPay

  • /.well-known/lnurlp/{NodeAlias} This is your lightning address endpoint, returns lnurlPay response defined in LUD-16

  • /api/callback?amount=21000 This is your callback endpoint that will return an invoice when amount query parameter is passed with millisat value


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.