
A simple webcam interface for ESP-32 CAM. Built using Docker, Flask, and Python scripts. It features a video feed and motion-triggered text messaging.

Required Hardware

ESP-32 CAM (you can buy these anywhere, I got mine from the link and they work well)

A server, raspberry pi's work well but you can use anything

Required Software


Arduino IDE

Server setup

git clone
cd FreeSecure

Edit the values in .env, I recommend changing the default passwords. Twilio credentials are optional, you can sign up for twilio here. They offer a free trial.

cd FreeSecure
docker compose build
docker compose up

ESP32-CAM setup

  1. In your Arduino IDE, go to File> Preferences
  2. Add to additional board manager URLs and click ok
  3. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager
  4. Search for esp32 and install the package by Espressif Systems
  5. In Tools > Board > ESP32 Arduino > AI Thinker ESP32-CAM
  6. Open FreeSecure/arduino/connect_to_server/connect_to_server.ino in Arduino IDE
  7. Replace <YOUR_NETWORK_SSID>, <YOUR_NETWORK_PASSWORD>, and <HOST_SERVER_IP> with the proper values
  8. Upload the sketch to your ESP32-CAM, the serial monitor should indicate a successful connection. The video stream can be found at http://localhost


Backend service logs are automatically saved to /tmp/*.log, they will also appear in the Docker console