
ADIS16448 RoboRIO Driver Built With FRC Robot Libraries

Primary LanguageLabVIEW

ADIS16448 RoboRIO LabVIEW Example for FIRST Robotics

A working example built for FRC robots using the FRC LabVIEW development environment

This example library was written to give mentors, students, and engineers a starting point for using a very high-performance 10 Degree-of-Freedom (DoF), calibrated Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). This sensor packages gyroscopes, accelerometers, magnetometers, and a barometer in a small, robust package perfect for high performance robotics (such as FRC).

This software example offers:

  • Raw sensor outputs - X-Y-Z Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, and Barometer
  • X-Y-Z gyroscope angles calculated by means of loop integration
  • AHRS (Pitch, Roll, Yaw) calculated using complementary and simplified Kalman (Madgwick) filters. More information can be found here

Tutorial videos, how-to guides, and additional resources can be found at http://www.analog.com/first

What do I need to get started?

In order to use the software, you will need access to a RoboRIO and the ADIS16448 MXP Breakout Board. This software is based on the FRC 2016 LabVIEW software distribution, so previous versions may not work without correcting errors.

Plug in the expansion board as shown below. Be careful to not offset the connector!! If installed correctly, the Power LED should turn on once power is applied to the RoboRIO.

ADIS16448 Breakout Board Installed on a RoboRIO

How do I install the library?

After cloning the repository, open the LabVIEW project FRC ADI MXP IMU.lvproj and double click on the example VI FRC ADI MXP IMU Example.vi. A front panel like the one shown below should appear once everything loads. Check your connection settings in the project and run the program. If integrating the code into a robot project, copy the LabVIEW directory into your project and add the folder into the LabVIEW Project Explorer.

ADIS16448 IMU Driver Front Panel

Does the library support gyro drift calibration?

YES! The library now includes a calibration program! Open ADIS16448 IMU Calibration.vi and follow the instructions on the GUI. Once the calibration program finishes, a calibration file will be stored in your RoboRIO's internal memory. If you would like to remove the calibration, navigate to your RoboRIO's web configuration page and use the file manager to delete the calibration file. The file will be stored in /c/UNIQUE_FILE_NAME. Note that running the calibration program more than once will overwrite the previous file.

ADIS16448 IMU Calibration Front Panel

If the calibration file exists, the driver will automatically detect it and begin utilizing the data. If calibration has not been performed, the driver will sample 3 seconds worth of drift compensation data.

A Shout-Out to the RoboBees

Thank you very much to Team 836, The RoboBees for providing the FIRST community with an excellent AHRS example!