
A simple in-game console for Unity3D.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A simple in-game console for unity.

How to use

Add the UConsole project files to the asset folder. Add the ConsoleGui Monobehavior to any gameobject in your scene and thats it.

Creating custom commands

You can create a custom command by calling the static method ConsoleCommandDatabase.RegisterCommand. Give it a name, description, and callback for your command.

ConsoleCommandDatabase.RegisterCommand("MYCOMMAND", "Does something", MyCallBack);

string MyCallBack(params string[] args) {
  // Does something


using UConsole;

namespace UConsole.Commands
   [UConsole.Command("MyCommand", "My Commands description.", "[usage])]
   public class MyCommand : ICommand
      public string Execute(params string[] args)
         return "Hello world!"

Any and all ICommands within the calling assembly will automaticly be registered to UConsole at runtime.