
Chesster Moderator Bot for Lichess45+45

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CHESSTER Build Status Test Coverage


This bot was created to help moderate the Lichess45+45 league.

It has a simple interface that integrates our Slack team, with Lichess and Website HTTP API.

If you have any issues, reach out to me here on github or on Slack.

Cheers. Andrew W. Haddad


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install vagrant
  3. Use the included Vagrantfile to bring up the environment
  4. Migrate databases: npm run migrate config/testconfig.js

Start Chesster

  1. Generate a bot token in your Slack Team's Services and Customization.
  2. Install your bot's token in the start script, start_chesster.
  3. Start the bot. > ./bin./start ../config/config.js

Website Integration

This bot utilizes the heltour api from this repo: https://github.com/cyanfish/heltour/ You will need to create a token from an installation of this app in order to access and manipulate data.

The bot should now be available for addition to your Slack Team.