
For splitting initialization between native and managed code in NativeAOT.

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Custom unmanaged managed main in NativeAOT

.NET NativeAOT compiles your .NET application to a native executable. By default when you publish an application as NativeAOT, the NativeAOT build system includes its own unmanaged main function that will call your applications Main function.

Some applications need to run native code before the managed main function. Starting in .NET 8, NativeAOT supports the CustomNativeMain property. When set to true in your .csproj file, this property causes the NativeAOT build system to not include an unmanaged main function. Instead you have to supply one using a NativeLibrary item in the .csproj file.

In your unmanaged main function, your program can call UnmanagedCallersOnly functions. Your unmanaged main function can manipulate the command line arguments argc and argv before passing them to the __managed__Main function to execute the managed main function.

The NativeAOT runtime will be initialized on the first call to a reverse-P/Invoke function. UnmanagedCallersOnly functions and __managed__Main are reverse-P/Invoke functions.

See the src/CustomMain folder for an example.

Alternatives to using custom native main

One option is a module initializer. This facility allows executing C# functions at assembly load time. In NativeAOT, which does not have the concept of loading an assembly, all module initializers are run before the managed main.

A module initializer is less complicated to add to an application, as you don't have to integrate building unmanaged code into the build system. Conventional, non-NativeAOT .NET applications also support module initializers.