Plug-in allowing you to control the polar pattern of your OC818 microphone in up to five frequency bands. Developed by Simon, Thomas, IEM, and AA.
- becksimonEurope
- BurningTreeCTest Company
- commitaddict
- COx2COCOTONE, Inc. / JUCE JAPAN / Outlaw Faction
- cyrtaMetamedia Technologies
- deneribeiro10
- doesdev@xelexdigital
- DonkeyHang
- ESSpaulding
- garrison@IBM Quantum
- JanWilczekWolfSound Jan Wilczek
- jeremybernstein@Cycling74
- lmarso
- mxmilkiibEdinburgh, UK
- MyPublicGitHubAcct
- nathanjhood@stoneydsp
- NickAcPTPortugal
- pgcrowe
- RCJacHBeijing, China
- rdrakeUOIT
- rguthrie3Citadel LLC
- ryanpcmcquenInternebz
- sbusso@kyrolabs
- seclorumVienna, Austria
- shivereroftimbers
- Shmalzfinger
- ThaYke
- tobias-kuendigOFFLINE GmbH
- tobiasfalk
- vackvaBerlin
- vavavr00m
- vewilyaLucerne, Switzerland
- vonj
- zawang