
Artifacts and documentation of the TOPS journal paper End-to-End Security for Distributed Event-driven Enclave Applications on Heterogeneous TEEs

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains documentation and links related to the Authentic Execution framework.

What is Authentic Execution?

We made a framework to allow developers to easily build and deploy distributed, heterogeneous applications with strong integrity and authenticity guarantees, as well as confidentiality of application data in transit, use, and (optionally) at rest.

  • Each component of the application (called module or SM) runs in a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to enable confidential computing: code and sensitive data of the module are protected from any other software on the same machine.
  • Communication channels between modules are encrypted and authenticated using symmetric keys: each single connection uses a different key, known only by the two modules of the connection and the deployer.
  • Our framework is heterogeneous: currently, it supports SGX, Sancus and ARM TrustZone. SGX is the most popular TEE, included in all recent Intel processors. Sancus is an open-source, embedded TEE designed for lightweight IoT systems. TrustZone is a security feature available in recent ARM processors (e.g., smartphones), on top of which OP-TEE provides a TEE implementation.
  • The applications developed with this framework provide end-to-end security from high-end computation nodes to small low-end systems that include I/O devices (e.g., sensors, buttons, LCD screens, LEDs, etc.). Thanks to the Sancus Secure I/O functionality, in fact, we are able to secure the whole path from an input to an output device.
  • Our framework provides an abstraction layer to the developer, who doesn't need to worry about the enclaved execution of the application nor the secure communication API. The only tasks for the developer are defining the logic of the application, declaring outputs/inputs of each module, and write a simple configuration file containing the description of the whole system (including the declaration of connections between modules).

How does it work?


The user (or administrator) provides as input to our framework the source code of each module of the application, as well as a configuration file that we call deployment descriptor. The latter defines the topology of the application, including the declaration of nodes, modules, and connections.

  • Nodes are the physical (or virtualised) hardware resources that provide TEE capabilities, such as a SGX-enabled Intel machine or a Sancus board.
  • Modules are the software components of the distributed application, of which the admin provides the source code.
  • Connections are established between two modules, connecting the output of a source module A to the input of a destination module B. For example, a Sancus module sensor might be connected to an SGX module aggregator to send sensor readings.

Developers API

Developers can write modules' code with extreme simplicity by only defining the endpoints (outputs, inputs, entry points) of each module. For each TEE, we provide a simple API in form of annotations or macros.

As an example, let's develop an application that implements the figure below.


A Sancus module called button_driver, connected to a physical button using Secure I/O, generates button_pressed outputs every time the button is pressed. An SGX module called db, instead, stores the number of button presses, which is incremented every time the input increment_presses is called. A connection between button_pressed and increment_presses is therefore needed for implementing the logic of the application.


#include <sancus/reactive.h>

#include <stdio.h>

SM_OUTPUT(button_driver, button_pressed);

SM_ISR(button_driver, num) {
    if (num != 2) {
        puts("Wrong IRQ");

    puts("Button has been pressed!");
    button_pressed(NULL, 0);

SM_HANDLE_IRQ(button_driver, 2);

The code above implements the logic of button_driver. An output called button_pressed is defined. An Interrupt Service Routine is implemented, which should be called when the physical button is pressed. In the ISR code, the output button_pressed is called and a new event will be generated (if the output is connected to at least one input).


use std::sync::Mutex;

lazy_static! {
    static ref BUTTON_PRESSES: Mutex<u32> = {
        Mutex::new(0) // initially zero

pub fn increment_presses(_data : &[u8]) {
    let mut occ = BUTTON_PRESSES.lock().unwrap();
    *occ += 1;

The code above implements the code of db, which is a very simple logic to store the number of button presses in a global variable. The input increment_presses simply increments the number by 1.

Deployment descriptor

    "from_module": "button_driver",
    "from_output": "button_pressed",
    "to_module": "db",
    "to_input": "increment_presses",
    "encryption": "spongent"

To connect button_driver and db, a new connection is defined in the deployment descriptor. As shown above, we specify the output and input to connect, as well as the encryption library to use. In this case, we use spongent as it is the only library supported by Sancus.

Quick start

In the examples repository we provide some examples of deployments that can be easily ran using docker and docker-compose.

NOTE: the native version of the examples does not use TEE protection, therefore they can be ran on simple Linux machines. This allows anyone to test our framework and see how it works.


Detailed information about the repositories of this organization


Research Papers


Other Resources

Formal Definition and Proof of Security Properties

The STM'17 paper comes with an extended appendix in which we focus on defining a simple reactive programming language for our architecture, the formal semantics of that programming language, and the formal definition and proof of the security properties of our approach.


All the (non-forked) repositories in this organization are under MIT license. Forked repositories retain the license of the original ones, with the exception of reactive-tools that has been relicensed under MIT. External libraries and other code have their own license.