TrustZone Event Manager

Build OP-TEE for QEMUv7

This has to be done on the host OS. The root of the OP-TEE installation will then mounted as a volume on the container.

  • First, follow the first two steps here
# create a root folder
mkdir optee
cd optee

# get the repositories
repo init -u -m manifest.xml
repo sync -j4 --no-clone-bundle

# get the event manager and put under `optee_examples`
git clone
cp -r event-manager-trustzone/event_manager optee_examples/

# build OPTEE
cd build
make -j2 toolchains
make -j `nproc`

Run a OPTEE instance using QEMU with Docker

### <volume>: absolute path of the root folder created in the previous phase (default: /opt/optee)
make run_qemu PORT=<port> OPTEE_DIR=<volume>

The container automatically runs the Event Manager at startup.


OPTEE installation fails

  • Be sure to install all prerequisites
  • If you get an error like ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Cryptodome', run sudo apt install python3-pycryptodome and try again

Container starts but there is no output

This is probably due to OP-TEE not being correctly installed into the host. Ensure OPTEE is correctly installed and mounted to the container OPTEE_DIR=<path_to_optee>, then try again.

Build OP-TEE for i.MX6

This procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04

# Download require packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt install which sed make binutils build-essential diffutils gcc g++ \
         bash patch gzip bzip2 perl tar cpio unzip rsync file bc findutils \
         wget python ncurses5 git 

# Initialize build folder and download repositories
make imx_setup

# Build image
make imx_build

# (optional) rebuild a specific package (e.g., optee-os)
make imx_rebuild PACKAGE=optee-os

The resulting SD card image can be found in imx/output/images/sdcard.img and is ready to be flashed.

Configure networking in the host

Note: choose your desired static IP address and DNS server.

  1. /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
  1. /etc/resolv.conf
  1. Run ifup eth0

Run a OPTEE instance using i.MX6 with Docker

Precondition: board is up and running and networking is configured (check above).

### <nw_uart>: UART device of the normal world
### <sw_uart>: UART device of the secure world
make run_imx NW_DEVICE=<nw_uart> SW_DEVICE=<sw_uart>

The container automatically sets up the board in a clean state, doing a full reset and a time synchronization, and finally running the event manager.

Interact with NW/SW through UART

# open a screen session with the NW (interactive - can use terminal)
screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200

# open a screen session with the SW (non interactive - only logs)
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

# alternatively: open detached screen sessions
screen -L -Logfile nw.txt -dmS tz-nw /dev/ttyUSB1 115200
screen -L -Logfile sw.txt -dmS tz-sw /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

# attach screen session
screen -r tz-nw

# execute command remotely
# ^C is the CTRL-C command, while ^M is the Enter command
screen -S tz-nw -p 0 -X stuff "^Cecho hello^M"

# close screen session
screen -X -S tz-nw quit

Synchronize time

Note: this solution attempts at synchronizing the time with sub-second resolution, but it is not guaranteed to work. The problem is that the date command in the ARM board only accepts Unix timestamps (seconds since Epoch). Therefore, the below solution attempts at synchronizing the time when the number of microseconds in the local host reaches zero.

The script accounts for UART transmission delay. Just update NETWORK_DELAY accordingly (value is in seconds).

# open detached screen session to the normal world
screen -L -Logfile log.txt -dmS tz-nw /dev/ttyUSB1 115200

# calculate timestamp, accounting for network delay
TIMESTAMP=$(python3 scripts/

# set timestamp on board
screen -S tz-nw -p 0 -X stuff "^Cdate -s @$TIMESTAMP^M"

# close screen session
screen -X -S tz-nw quit

Initialize board

The target init_imx automatically initializes the board, doing a reboot and synchronizing the time with the host.

make init_imx

Run event manager

Precondition: board is initialized and network is configured

After opening a screen session with the normal world:

# <port>: port the EM listens to. Default is 1236
optee_event_manager <port>