
KobraScript — The venomous cousin of JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

KobraScript Logo Travis.CI build status

KobraScript is a language that harvests the power of JavaScript with an incredibly intuitive syntax.


You can install KobraScript into your global environment so that you can execute KobraScript programs from anywhere. To do so, run this command:

npm install -g kobrascript

You can execute KobraScript programs like so:

kobra <name_of_program.ks>

You can also see the transpiled version of your code by running kobrac:

kobrac <name_of_program.ks>

To see a list of commands available, type kobra or kobrac with no arguments.

Kobra Demands Respect (Hello, world!)

Say my name...

say "Kobra!"                                            console.log("Kobra!");

Variable Declarations

In KobraScript, variable declarations are simplified to one character: $. Declare multiple variables at the same time with , or the slick .. "dot-dot". KobraScript knows no semi-colons.

$ name = "Samson"                                       var name = "Samson";

$ likesMusic = true,                                    var likesMusic = true,
  likesJazz                                                 likesJazz = undefined;

$ isRed = true                                          var isRed = true,
.. isFood = false                                           isFood = false,
.. isMine = true                                            isMine = true;

Variables with uninitialized values are set to undefined.

$ total                                                 var total = undefined;


Declare a function easily with fn. Open the block with :, and close using end, or ... Also note that the return statement always expects an expression–use the leave statement to return early from a function without an expression.

fn average_intake(x):                                   function averageIntake(x) {
    $ total = 0                                             var total = 0;
    for ($ i = 0; i < x.length; i++):                       for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        total = total + x[i]                                    total = total + x[i];
    end                                                     }
    say total                                               console.log(total);
    return total / x.length                                 return total / x.length;
end                                                     }

$  getSoup = fn (): return Res.soupOfTheDay() ..        var getSoup = function () {return Res.soupOfTheDay()},
.. getDrink = fn (): return Res.specdrinks ..               getDrink = function () {return Res.spacdrinks},
.. placeOrder = fn (item, quantity):                        placeOrder = function (item, quantity) {
     Kitchen.addOrder(item, quantity)                           Kitchen.addOrder(item, quantity);
   end                                                      };

fn bomb(code):                                          function bomb(code) {
  if (code == "Password1"):                                 if (code === "Password1") {
    leave                                                       return;
  .. else:                                                  } else {
    say "Boom!"                                                 console.log("Boom!")
  end                                                       }
end                                                     }

Similar to Javascript, anonymous self-calling functions are in KobraScript. These are typically used to create a private scope. In KobraScript, a closure literal may be constructed with close, followed by the inteded arguments as parameters enclosed in curly braces. One never has to worry about whether ones functions are being invoked on the fly. Closed to the world, KobraScript may evaluate.

close{}:                                                (function() {
  $ x = 10                                                  var x = 10;
  say x                                                     console.log(x);
end                                                     }());

$ x = [1, 2, 3]                                         var x = [1, 2, 3];
close{x}:                                               (function(x) {
  print "I am " + x[1] + " good"                            console.log("I am " + x[1] + " good");
end                                                     }(x));


Blocks in KobraScript are beautiful. Start a multiline block with : and terminate it with the clear end, or the elegantly-flowing ..
Fearlessly create a single-statement block by pointing -> to it. Nice.

while (i--):                                            while (i--) {
    say "Countdown ... " + i                                console.log("Countdown ... " + i);
end                                                     }

fn numResponse (x):                                     function numResponse (x) {
  if (x == 1):                                              if (x === 1) {
    say "that's one!"                                           console.log("that's one!");
  .. else if (x == 2):                                      } else if (x === 2) {
    say "that's two!"                                           console.log("that's two!");
  .. else:                                                  } else {
    say "that's somthin' else!"                                 console.log("that's somthin' else!");
  end                                                       }
end                                                     }

for ($ i = 0; i < nums["length"]; i++):                 for (var i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
  $ p = nums[i]                                             var p = nums[i];
  if (p) -> primes.push(p)                                  if (p) { primes.push(p) }
end                                                     }

if (socket)                                             if (socket) {
  -> this.active[socket] = i++                              this.active[socket] = i++;

Conditional Statement

In KobraScript the if statement is written with a preference to .. between conditional blocks. An end after the final block signals the conclusion of the statement. Kobra is cold as ice.

if (is_red && is_food):                                 if (is_red && is_food) {
    eat()                                                   eat ();
.. else if (is_food && is_mine):                        } else if (is_food && is_mine) {
    add_butter()                                            add_butter ();
.. else:                                                } else {
    keep()                                                  keep();
end                                                     }

Only If Statement

Bite first, ask for booleans later. Kobrascript allows a lightning-quick, conditional alternative to the garden-variety if statement.

only:                                                   if (feelingLucky) {
  rollDice() .. if (feelingLucky)                           rollDice();
  abandonShip() .. if (sinking) else:                   if (sinking) {
  justKeepSwiming() ..                                    abandonShip();
                                                        } else {

Exchange Statement

KobraScript utilizes a Go/Python-inspired statement in order to exchange :=: the values of two variables.

$ a = 2,                                                var a = 2,
  b = 3                                                     b = 3;
a :=: b                                                 var swap = a; a = b; b = swap; // Awful.
say a   // 3                                            console.log(a);  // 3
say b   // 2                                            console.log(b);  // 2

for and while loops

For and while loops look beautiful as expected; keyword, condition, block, nice.

$ a = 0 // A test variable for loops.                   var a = 0; // A test variable for loops.

for ($ i = 0; i < 4; i++):                              for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    a++                                                     a++;
end                                                     }

while (a < 10):                                         while (a < 10) {
    a++                                                     a++;
end                                                     }


Objects are easily specified and finely readable in KobraScript. Braces are used specifically for objects in this language, {} is an object (the one with no properties).

$ bicycle = {                                           var bicycle = {
    frame: "aluminum",                                          frame: "aluminum",
    year: 2009,                                                 year: 2009,
    gears: 10,                                                  gears: 10,
    speed: 12.7,                                                speed: 12.7,
    move: fn ():                                                move: function () {
        Transform.translate(FORWARD * this.speed)                   Transform.translate(FORWARD * this.speed);
    ..,                                                         },
    upgrade_speed: fn ():                                       upgradeSpeed: function () {
        return this.speed = this.speed * 1.1                        return this.speed = this.speed * 1.1;
    ..,                                                         },
    get_frame: fn (): return this.frame end                     getFrame: function () {return this.frame;}
}                                                       }


Arrays in KobraScript follow normal scripting language convention.

$ protein_intake = [12, 21.3, 7.2, 20]                  var protein_intake = [12.0, 21.3, 7.2, 20.0];
$ enigma = [{code: '8878'}, [], false]                  var enigma = [{code: '8878'}, [], false];


This is regarded as the the most up-to-date specification of KS. Except for the compiler itself of course.

KobraScript Syntax v.2.2.0



        |    SINGLE
FREEBLK ::=  ':'  STMT+  ('end' | '..')
SINGLE  ::=  '->'  STMT

        |    FNDEC
        |    'if'  '('  EXP  ')'  BLOCK
             ('else'  'if'  '('  EXP  ')'  BLOCK)*
             ('else'  '('  EXP  ')'  BLOCK)?
        |    'only'  BLOCK  'if'  '('  EXP  ')'
             ('else'  BLOCK)?
        |    'for'  '('  (VARDEC | ASSIGN (','))?  ';'  EXP  ';'  INCREMENT  ')'  BLOCK
        |    'while'  '('  EXP  ')'  BLOCK
        |    'break'
        |    'continue'
        |    'return'  EXP
        |    'leave'
        |    EXP

VARDEC  ::=  '$'  ID  '='  EXP  ((',' | '..')  ID  '='  EXP)*
FNDEC   ::=  'fn'  ID  PARAMS  BLOCK

PARAMS  ::=  '('  ID  (','  ID)*  ')'

EXP     ::=  EXP0 (('=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | ':=:') EXP0)?
EXP0    ::=  EXP1 (('||' | '#') EXP1)*
EXP1    ::=  EXP2 ('&&' EXP2)*
EXP2    ::=  EXP3 (('==' | '~=' | '!=' | 'is')  EXP3)?
EXP3    ::=  EXP4 (('<' | '<=' | '>=' | '>')  EXP4)?
EXP4    ::=  EXP5 ([+-] EXP5)*
EXP5    ::=  EXP6 ([%*/] EXP6)*
EXP6    ::=  EXP7 (('**' | '-**')  EXP7)
EXP7    ::=  ('~!' | '~?')?  EXP8
EXP8    ::=  ('!' | '++' | '--' | 'new')?  EXP9
EXP9    ::=  EXPRT ('++' | '--' | '.' ID | '[' EXP ']' | '(' EXP (',' EXP)* ')')*
        |    | ID | CLOSLIT | FNLIT | ARRAY | OBJECT
        |    '(' EXP ')'

FNLIT   ::=  'fn'  (ID)? PARAMS  BLOCK
CLOSLIT ::=  'close'  '{'  (ID  (','  ID)*)?  '}'  BLOCK
ARRAYLIT::=  '['  (EXP  (','  EXP)*)?  ']'
OBJLIT  ::=  '{'  (PROP  (','  PROP)*)?  '}'
PROP    ::=  ID  ':'  EXP
        |    STRLIT ':' EXP
        |    NUMLIT ':' EXP
        |    BOOLIT ':' EXP


NUMLIT  ::=  -?(?:[1-9]\d*|0)(?:.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?
STRLIT  ::=  (\"|\')(\\[bfnrtv0\"\']|\\c[a-zA-z]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|.)*\1
BOOLIT  ::=  'true' | 'false'
UNDEFLIT::=  'undefined'
NULLLIT ::=  'null'
ID      ::=  [_a-zA-Z]\w*
COMMENT ::=  '//'  TEXT  '\n'