
DriveAI Platform

DriveAI Platform is a project designed to bring together

  • Stereo Vision
  • Vehicle Actuation

To create a fully autonomous vehicle.


The platform is built on top of the Robotic Operating System commonly known as ROS. The following is our compartmentalization of our problem, in the form of different ROS Nodes.

  • Perception: Responsible for collecting raw data from our sensors. Performing object recognition, and giving said objects to the Path-Planning.
  • Navigation: Responsible for keeping track of where the car is with respect to public roads, and calculating the most optimal path from point A to point B. Then conveying that information to Path-Planning
  • Path-Planning: Responsible for taking Perception and Navigation information and sending commands to the Actuation node to actually actuate the vehicle.
  • Actuation: Responsible for actuating the vehicle based on simple inputs.


This list of requirements will grow as our hardware needs become increasingly specific.

  • USB 3.0
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64


git clone --recursive
cd DriveAI-Platform
git submodule foreach git checkout master
git submodule foreach git pull origin master


cd DriveAI-Platform
sh Tools/InstallScripts/
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.<sh|zsh|bash>
source devel/setup.<sh|zsh|bash>


We are currently in the process of rapidly prototyping our platform. Currently the most meaningful thing someone can run is our tests.

catkin_make utest

Running our tests

There are four ROS Packages: You can run their tests with the following syntax:

rosrun <Package-Name> utest


We welcome everyone to join our project! Fork us today and get started, we thank you in advance.

The overwhelming majority of our codebase is C++, and we use (Google's Styleguide) as our guidlines.

We run the linter (found in the styles/ folder via the following command:

cd style

This essentially runs the linter, and asks it to ignore the 2 space tab requirement.

Ocasionally we run astyle to format our code. When we do so, we use the --indent=tab flag as such:

astyle FILE --indent=tab