- 3
System.Enum MethodCallExpression (HasFlag) mapped to TDestinationEnum MethodCallExpression
#179 opened by engenb - 1
.ToListAsync() Support?
#178 opened by kmanev073 - 6
Filter on unsigned type for trivially-mapped relation yields InvalidOperationException
#176 opened by bhood-zorus - 0
- 3
Cannot convert expressions that are for a struct property to non-struct properties
#173 opened by yinzara - 0
Extensions incorrectly target `IMapper` instead of `IMapperBase` preventing usage in converters
#172 opened by betmix-matt - 3
Mapping backwards ?
#170 opened by michelbieleveld - 0
Consider conversions between Integers and Enums
#162 opened by BlaiseD - 4
Error: Dto Type With 'in' Parameter
#165 opened by biqas - 1
- 4
- 1
- 5
Cosmos DB LINQ provider with Odata sans EF
#155 opened by wbuck - 5
EF.Property not mapped correctly
#152 opened by Xriuk - 5
Flattened properties via IncludeMembers don't get mapped correctly in expressions
#151 opened by Xriuk - 7
Multiple references to collections in mapping expressions produce duplicate joins
#150 opened by Xriuk - 0
No generic method 'Include' exception
#149 opened by kakone - 1
Issues with enum to string mapping in expressions
#145 opened by Johkie - 1
Exception "The source and destination types must be the same" when converting nullable property to non Nullable
#143 opened by ahmedeltabee - 5
Question: AutoMapper ExpressionMapping of a Select Expression with sub objects
#136 opened by Apolloangel - 3
- 1
Question: Why does the mapping need to be defined in the opposite direction when mapping expressions?
#134 opened by isak-spinit - 0
- 3
a FatalExecutionEngineError occur when Expression is the parameter in Orleans project
#131 opened by GreatToad - 4
- 1
Expression mapping changes parameterizable member access expressions to non-parameterizable constants
#122 opened by csboling - 4
ArgumentException when using Select<TEnitity> on UseAsDataSource(...).For<TEnitity>()
#108 opened by 4E-69-63-6B-20-42-6F-73 - 3
- 2
- 1
- 0
Issue using with Blazor Server
#114 opened by cornonthecobb - 5
- 3
Mapping entities with ValueObject field
#112 opened by DenisNP - 3
- 7
DateTime in expression mapping
#102 opened by mward-smartway2 - 14
- 7
ArgumentException for expression parameter on UseAsDataSource().OrderBy with nullable type in destination
#97 opened by mycroes - 0
- 1
Exception Mapping expression with IEnumerable<T>Contains method call on a local variable
#87 opened by BlaiseD - 10
MapExpression throws "Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping" error
#85 opened by henrbj - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 7
- 1
MapExpression for sub-entity fails
#73 opened by oklipilin - 5
- 4
Support for `contains` function in odata query
#70 opened by icnocop - 9
UseAsDataSource: "System.ArgumentException : Argument types do not match" when mapping A->B->C
#69 opened by CRogos - 3
Incorrect mapping with ConvertUsing
#68 opened by leowns