
Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This project is no longer maintained or tested.

Uninstall is recommended:

To uninstall most versions, double-click on the "uninstall_every_boot.desktop" file in the same directory you installed the tools from. If that doesn't work, run this command in Konsole: systemctl --user disable --now randomvid.service

Then, delete /home/deck/.steam/root/config/uioverrides/movies/deck_startup.webm. In older versions, /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamui/movies/deck_startup.webm will need restored.

The library.css and library.js files should restore on any SteamOS update.


A repository for a random grouping of tools created for the Steam Deck.


Download or clone this repository onto your steam deck. Double-click the .desktop file for what action you wish to take.

It is highly recommended that you place this folder in /home/deck/ for greatest chance for success!



Vidswap was created to replace the deck startup video file with a file of the user's choice.

When ./vidswap/vidswap.sh is run, it reads all files within the 'vids' folder and displays a numbered list of the files. To add new files to the list, simply drop a .webm file into the /vidswap/vids folder and the script should take care of the rest.

The user then enters the number corresponding to the video they want to put into place.

The selected video file should then play every time the steam deck enters gaming mode.

To run the script, you can either invoke it in terminal or double-click the vidswap.desktop file when in desktop mode.

This has been updated to use the new /home/deck/.steam/root/config/uioverrides/movies/ location and no longer changes or truncates any other files.


Randomizer builds on Vidswap and provides two features: individual random set and on-boot/mode switch randomization.

If you'd like to set the next video randomly, execute randomizer.desktop (or run ./vidswap/randomzier.sh).

If you'd like to set a new random video for every boot and gaming mode -> desktop mode switch, execute random_every_boot.desktop (or run ./vidswap/random_service_install.sh).

To stop the random every boot, execute uninstall_every_boot.desktop (or run ./vidswap/random_service_uninstall.sh).

Randomizer invokes Vidswap. This means any webms added to /vidswap/vids will be part of the random rotation.


The Steam Deck will play boot videos up to 30 seconds in duration by default. ChangeDuration allows you to set any reasonable duration you desire in 10 second increments. This is done by modifying library.js (and the same truncate pattern we're all used to).

If the duration set in library.js is longer than the boot video, the Steam Deck will enter into gaming mode as soon as the video is done playing (and the Deck is done booting).

To change the duration, execute change_duration.desktop (or run ./vidswap/change_duration.sh). Once the duration is set it should stay set until the next SteamOS update.


Restore allows the user to replace library.css, library.js, and deck_startup.webm files with versions the user selects. Before any changes are made to any of these files, a copy is saved in ./vidswap/backup with the md5 checksum as part of the file name. Additionally, static versions of the files for known releases are stored in directories that follow the convention "BUILD_ID"_"VERSION_ID".

To see what build and version your Steam Deck is running, execute cat /etc/*-release in terminal.

To launch Restore, execute restore.desktop (or run ./vidswap/restore.sh).

Known Issues

Video files must not have spaces in the names. Prefer underscores or camelCase or PascalCase to spaces.


HUGE credit to /u/DerpinHerps for their amazing startup videos and work pioneering the process.

Vidswap is basically just a scripted version of the process they identified.

Video file credits:

Filename Author
BreakingBad.webm /u/DerpinHerps
BetterCallSaul.webm /u/Minkarii
CowboyBebop.webm /u/MatPaget
Frasier.webm /u/DerpinHerps
Futurama.webm /u/DerpinHerps
HandheldHistory.webm /u/TareXmd
NeoGeo.webm /u/TareXmd
office.webm /u/DerpinHerps
PipBoy.webm /u/trentwebr
RickMorty.webm /u/BeefyDragon
Seinfeld.webm /u/DerpinHerps
StarWars.webm /u/BetterCallSal
TheCritic.webm /u/TinyBruce
WarGames.webm /u/BetterCallSal

The tools in this repo would be meaningless without all these talented video creators. Show them some love by donating!

User Donation link
/u/BetterCallSal Streamlabs
/u/BeefyDragon Paypal
/u/DerpinHerps Venmo:@HayPopp
/u/Minkarii Mermaids
/u/TareXmd Paypal
/u/TinyBruce Venmo (Justin-Perkins-113)
/u/trentwebr Paypal