
Adds a web component to the page that aids in accessibility blueline style annotations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Adds a web component to the page that aids in accessibility blueline style annotations.

Installing (Beta Testers)

  1. Download or clone the repo.
  2. (If you downloaded a zip, unpack it).
  3. Navigate Chrome to chrome://extensions.
  4. Switch to "Developer Mode".
  5. Picked "Load Unpacked".
  6. Point to the /src/ directory from this repo.
  7. Click the "Extensions" (puzzle piece) icon in your browser bar.
  8. Set the "A11y Annotations" to pinned.
  9. Refresh the page or open a new tab (on first load only).
  10. Click the "A11y Annotations" icon.
  11. Click "Start" (follow other directions).


  • Fix drag-and-drop handlers for "fast dragging"
  • Add "box" and "arrow" shape transformations
  • Make saved state export to file option
  • Toggle "autosave" feature
  • Consider "binding" shapes to specific DOM elements