Use advanced feature engineering strategies and select best features from your data set with a single line of code. Created by Ram Seshadri. Collaborators welcome.
- 0
Parameter to control xgboost core_num
#126 opened by reza1615 - 1
Cannot clone object the constructor either does not set or modifies parameter auto_encoder
#114 opened by deuf-projects - 1
- 1
Installation Error
#116 opened by reza1615 - 2
Undeclared requirement: `imbalanced-learn`
#117 opened by mfansler - 2
- 1
Cannot load `tensorflow.keras.layers`
#119 opened by mfansler - 3
Update requirements packages
#120 opened by arturdaraujo - 1
Update xgboost in the requirements to at least 1.7.6
#122 opened by arturdaraujo - 2
fit/transform API not working
#123 opened by jonathanhexner - 1
Update requirements packages; sklearn 1.2.2
#125 opened by reza1615 - 0
- 1
How to activate gpu?
#121 opened by arturdaraujo - 10
Unpin requirements?
#112 opened by ecederstrand - 5
Conda package outdated
#113 opened by jmakov - 5
featurewiz ignores category columns with an example
#110 opened by reza1615 - 4
Universal API required for smooth working
#111 opened by GDGauravDutta - 2
featurewiz ignores category columns
#108 opened by reza1615 - 1
Convert binary columns to categorical
#107 opened by reza1615 - 1
dont show chart for more than 1000 features
#109 opened by reza1615 - 1
Dealing with a Numpy array as features
#105 opened by BogueUser - 4
make tensorflow optional
#103 opened by sungla55guy - 2 float to integer error
#104 opened by sungla55guy - 1
Comment has incorrect code ( verbose=0. imbalanced=False [verbose=0, imbalanced=False])
#102 opened by GDGauravDutta - 1
Issue with working with Featureviz
#101 opened by GDGauravDutta - 3
Category type, indexes don't match on AutoEncoding
#100 opened by sideshot - 1
- 1
Can't get featurewiz to work
#98 opened by Nick-Masri - 3
ValueError: Length mismatch: Expected axis has X elements, new values have Y elements
#99 opened by grandrew - 8
Conflict Error Among Poetry Package Dependencies: lazytransform, tqdm, featurewiz
#84 opened by ferrotem - 1
- 1
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- 0
#90 opened by chinmay7016 - 0
Typo Error
#92 opened by chinmay7016 - 2
‘DataFrame’ object has no attribute ‘append’
#79 opened by gps1938 - 4
Update package
#78 opened by arturdaraujo - 3
Separate method for Feature Engineering
#77 opened by inverse-panda - 1
- 4
[FR] Retrieve MIS Score / Logging
#76 opened by Buedenbender - 1
- 5
"not selecting any important features since it did not meet criteria: F-score > 1.0"
#65 opened by EXJUSTICE - 2
Can I skip the xgboost part?
#70 opened by ubless607 - 0
Typo in GPU param setting returned
#72 opened by a-schot - 1
Probem with XGBoost rows
#71 opened by OpusXI - 1
#69 opened by Tiantang666 - 2
- 5
- 2
Featureviz misclassify the problem
#64 opened by GDGauravDutta - 1
Pyarrow Dependency Conflict
#63 opened by curtisraymond