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Postman Collection for Autodesk Build API

Postman Autodesk Construction Cloud API Beginner License

Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) is Autodesk’s new unified platform that connects workflows, teams and data at every stage of construction to reduce risk, maximize efficiency, and increase profits. It includes a few products: Autodesk Build, Autodesk Collaborate and Autodesk TakeOff etc. All of them are built on Autodesk Docs.

The ACC APIs allow developers to develop apps that integrate with the ACC platform to extend its capabilities in the construction ecosystem. Check Blogs for more details.

This github repository provides Postman collections for ACC APIs that contains a fewer endpoints. Each collection of the categories will go to corresponding child folder. More new APIs will be added in the list below with time.

API Categories:

What's Postman?

Postman is a popular tool that provides an easy-to-use interface to send HTTP requests. Postman is able to parse the responses that Forge sends you and save response parameter values to variables. These parameters can then be reused in subsequent requests through these variables. The Postman collections in this repository use this ability to provide pre-populated HTTP requests to help you follow the tutorial workflow with minimal effort. You can also modify the requests and experiment without having to write a single line of code.

  • You can learn how to install and use Postman from here.
  • You can download the Postman installer from here.
  • The snapshots in the readme are captured by specific version. If you are using other versions of Postman, the menus might be slightly different.
  • In each category, tutorial and API references scripts are available. They may be not exactly same to what are demoed on API documentation on Forge website, while mostly the usage and logic are same.

What next?

To start the test, click the corresponding link in the list of API Categories or navigate to the corresponding child folder. The file in the folder provides instructions on how to test.



This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.

Written by

Xiaodong Liang @coldwood, Developer Advocate and Support

Eason Kang @yiskang, Developer Advocate and Support