- 1
- 5
Doesn't work in some countries
#29 opened by ivfit - 0
Use unified AppStore URL to rate apps
#30 opened by ashavit - 0
EXC_BAD_ACCESS canceling email
#28 opened by ivfit - 4
iOS 10 support for rating api / new rules
#25 opened by JulesMoorhouse - 2
- 1
- 0
Add protocol method to allow delegate implementer to block rating flow in certain custom conditions
#19 opened by ashavit - 1
A localization bundle.
#12 opened by K-Be - 2
Flow will never be presented if the view controller has no navigation controller
#14 opened by jimspeth - 2
Use HTTPS for kARAppLookupURLFormat
#10 opened by Kaspik - 1
- 1
- 1
localStrings is private
#4 opened by qwertme