Course material for the course ‘Automating GIS processes’ at the University of Helsinki, Finland
- 0
Reconsider the format (the material is ideal for a flipped classroom setting)
#159 opened by christophfink - 0
Include the ‘extra’ lessons, again
#158 opened by christophfink - 0
- 0
Update exercise 6
#156 opened by christophfink - 0
Update lesson 6
#155 opened by christophfink - 1
Why the projection crs need to be centered in Helsinki when calculating the distance?
#100 opened by woodwm - 1
- 1
Clean the data repository
#42 opened by HTenkanen - 1
The hyperlink to course website does not work
#139 opened by Saareem - 1
distance computations in L3 nearest neighbor
#69 opened by esrasuel - 1
- 1
Automating-GIS-Processess. Lesson 3
#64 opened by AdrianKriger - 2
Error while reading shapefile with geopandas
#33 opened by LSRathore - 1
Exercise 4 is missing
#65 opened by Rhiyo - 1
- 3