Easily manage the ad codes that need to appear in your templates
- 0
- 1
Add an explanation of what Tag ID, DFP ID, and Tag Name are and what format they should look
#123 opened by GaryJones - 0
Properly document all action and filter hooks
#157 opened by GaryJones - 0
- 5
Confusing UI for DFP Async
#70 opened by rinatkhaziev - 5
Paste Ad codes vs entering tag/publisher ids
#84 opened by jtsternberg - 2
Make sure that the first column after the checkbox in the table view displays row actions
#51 opened by rinatkhaziev - 1
Feature: ACM in Debug Bar
#50 opened by jeremyfelt - 3
- 0
Check if the tag is unique for DFP Async
#69 opened by rinatkhaziev - 15
Feature: Ad Code Preview
#40 opened by rinatkhaziev - 0
Feature: Multiple ad providers per request
#41 opened by rinatkhaziev - 12
Feature: Autocomplete/dropdown or any other assisted input with generic conditionals
#42 opened by rinatkhaziev - 2
Configuration builder
#43 opened by rinatkhaziev - 1
Provide inline help regarding conditionals
#47 opened by rinatkhaziev - 4
Feature: Configuration scanner
#39 opened by rinatkhaziev - 3
- 0
Refresh screenshots
#136 opened by GaryJones - 0
Simplify / fix Contextual Help
#134 opened by GaryJones - 1
action_acm_tag() has a flag to return instead of echo but you can't return out of do_action()
#94 opened by tmtrademark - 0
Add Settings Link to Plugin Row Actions
#118 opened by GaryJones - 0
Fix internationalization in PHP strings
#129 opened by GaryJones - 0
Add check for post type when deleting ad codes
#119 opened by GaryJones - 0
Bump minimum PHP and WordPress versions
#130 opened by GaryJones - 9
Extend Async DFP provider script to support multiple width & height configurations
#55 opened by natebot - 0
Fix tests dependencies
#125 opened by GaryJones - 0
Add WPORG deploy workflow
#124 opened by GaryJones - 1
any update on pushing 0.5x to wp repo?
#101 opened by chuckreynolds - 0
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP
#104 opened by eugene-manuilov - 0
PHP 7 compatibility in MarkdownExtra_Parser
#105 opened by swissspidy - 1
PHP 7.4 deprecation warning
#112 opened by jonathanstegall - 1
- 4
Update readme and ship 0.4.3
#67 opened by danielbachhuber - 1
Wrapper id's are invalid
#73 opened by nickdaugherty - 1
Native ads using DFP
#95 opened by akhilgopinat - 1
Strict standards errors
#90 opened by danielbachhuber - 0
Non-existence of ad codes should be cached.
#91 opened by jblz - 1
Update Screenshots for 4.3
#88 opened by jb510 - 1
- 0
Update readme and screenshots for v0.4
#64 opened by danielbachhuber - 0
Easy Google AdSense integration
#54 opened by danielbachhuber - 2
Cleaner, more consistent Javascript
#59 opened by jeremyfelt - 1
- 5
- 0
Potential issue: we need to check that user accidentally does not remove cb and id columns as it breaks UI
#49 opened by rinatkhaziev - 3
- 2
Conditionals without arguments shouldn't have a field for accepting an argument
#46 opened by danielbachhuber - 3
Broken link in VIP Lobby
#37 opened by mintindeed - 2
Iframe ads for double click
#38 opened by asannad - 4