- 7
Exclude pages with DONOTCACHEPAGE
#26 opened by kb6673 - 0
- 9
Avoid caching conflicts with plugins creating specific views with JSON requests
#104 opened by jeherve - 2
create_function() is deprecated in PHP 7.2
#83 opened by kevinlisota - 0
- 1
The "generated in" comment doesn't appear in the page source for sub sites in a network install but it does appear in the page source for the main site
#99 opened by henrywright - 0
- 0
- 1
missing object_cache result in some warnings
#81 opened by steioria - 1
can advanced-cache.php be somewhere else?
#84 opened by v3nt - 1
No Batcache stats in head
#78 opened by abumalick - 1
normalize versions and update changelog
#66 opened by chuckreynolds - 1
Exempt PUT, PURGE, and DELETE requests
#67 opened by zamoose - 0
nginx Headers Not Getting Cached
#70 opened by allan23 - 1
set $seconds = 0 in the batcache class and could not find 'served from batcache in xxx seconds'
#59 opened by portablesoft - 1
Improve batcache manager
#63 opened by spacedmonkey - 1
No clear all method
#62 opened by spacedmonkey - 0
Cache flush rules
#60 opened by MickeyKay - 2
Page version # can get out of sync with Batcache version # in a nasty way
#27 opened by ericandrewlewis - 2
- 7
- 2
- 2
Warning for call_user_func_array()
#22 opened by crbn60 - 1
Set Memcached Server Host
#4 opened by nodesocket - 2
Cleaning up my logs....
#2 opened by staylor - 2
Batcache not working with WPML
#32 opened by tangrufus - 1
Deleted post fails to flush cache
#33 opened by joehoyle - 1
Undefined property batcache::$genlock
#34 opened by Aerendir - 1
Undefined property batcache::$query
#35 opened by Aerendir - 1
Paged Posts Cache is not cleared on update.
#40 opened by kfuchs - 1
"Temporary: remove after 2010-11-12" in source
#41 opened by austinpray - 2
Uninstall Instructions
#43 opened by beschler - 2
- 2
'configure_groups' being called too late?
#37 opened by mpatek - 6
Uncompatible to Jetpack_is_mobile
#54 opened by as8564 - 1
Composer support
#51 opened by spacedmonkey - 2
Undefined index and property notices
#47 opened by matthewpizza - 1
serve stale content if necessary
#45 opened by leedo - 4
Missing vary_cache_on_function()
#23 opened by leonho - 2
Version Number
#16 opened by bueltge - 0
An empty $post object results in a notice
#10 opened by jeremyfelt