
Add a logo to your WordPress site. Set it once, and all themes that support it will display it automatically.

Primary LanguagePHP

Site Logo

Add a logo to your WordPress site. Set it once, and all themes that support it will display it automatically.

Note that this plugin is no longer maintained as of November 2014. Site Logo has been merged into Jetpack, and will be maintained from that codebase moving forward.


  1. Upload the site-logo folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or check out the plugin from GitHub: git clone git@github.com:Automattic/site-logo.git.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Add support by adding add_theme_support( 'site-logo' ); to the theme's setup function.
  4. Use the the_site_logo() template tag in header.php to display the logo on the front-end.


Activating the plugin and adding support in a theme allows the user to upload a logo through the Customizer (the uploader can be found in the Site Title & Tagline section). Display is determined entirely by the theme.

The add_theme_support() declaration can take a size argument. The default is thumbnail, with other valid values being medium, large, full, and any additional sizes declared by add_image_size. If the selected logo is not big enough to have the requested size, 'full' will be used on output instead.

add_theme_support also takes a header-text argument. This is an array of classes (without the leading .) that should be hidden with the "Display Header Text" setting. Defaults to the same classes as Underscores: site-title and site-description.