
API for storing markdown documents and rendering the documents as HTML

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Markdown Documents API

You are making an API for storing markdown documents and rendering the documents as HTML. You will store the documents as files on your filesystem by using the fs module. Use asynchronous IO for all filesystem operations - sychronous IO will cripple the server's ability to serve multiple requests simultaneously. You should use Postman to test these APIs as you work.

##PUT /documents/:filepath

Sending a PUT request to the /documents/:filepath URL will cause it to be saved in the data subdirectory within your application. The file path will be taking from the route parameter. The body of the request will be an object in JSON format, with the property contents. Example: PUT /documents/how-to-write-an-express-app.md with the body of:

{ "contents": "Install it first: npm install express" } Will save a new file with the file path data/how-to-write-an-express-app.md containing content from the contents property of the JSON object.

Hint: see express_file_io.js in express-examples.zip for an example of using file IO in the context of an express application

##GET /documents/:filepath

Sending a GET request to the /documents/:filepath URL will return a JSON object containing the title and contents properties. Example: GET /documents/how-to-write-an-express-app.md will return a JSON response like:

{ "filepath": "how-to-write-an-express-app.md", "contents": "Install it first: npm install express" }

##GET /documents/display

Sending a GET request to the /documents/:filepath/display URL will render an HTML web page containing the result of the markdown page converted into HTML. Example: GET /documents/how-to-write-an-express-app.md/display will return HTML like:


Install it first: npm install express

##GET /documents

Sending a GET request to the /documents URL will return an array containing the file paths of the documents that exist (any file in the data subdirectory). For example: GET /documents might return:

[ "how-to-write-an-express-app.md", "how-to-nodejs.md", "how-to-python.md" ] Hint: research the fs.readdir function.

DELETE /documents/:filepath

Sending a DELETE request to the /documents/:filepath API will remove the corresponding file from the filesystem.

##Bonus: Use PostgreSQL

Redo the app but save the information in PostgreSQL instead of files.