
Ajax, Callback, and JSON Exercises

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Ajax, Callback, and JSON Exercises

##CPS: 1

Rewrite the following code (both the function and the code calling the function) in continuation-passing style:

function square(num) { return num * num; }

var squared = square(5);

##CPS: 1.5

Rewrite the following code (both of the functions and the calling code) in CPS:

function square(num) { return num * num; }

function times2(num) { return num * 2; }

var squared = square(5); var result = times2(squared); console.log('Result is:', result);

##CPS: 2

Rewrite the following code (both of the functions and the calling code) in CPS:

function square(num) { return num * num; }

function squareRoot(num) { return Math.sqrt(num); }

var x = 4; var y = 3; var xSquared = square(x); var ySquared = square(y); var answer = squareRoot(xSquared + ySquared); console.log('The answer is: ' + answer);

##CPS: 3

Add a 1000 millisecond delay to the CPS version of the square function you wrote for the last exercise, and a 500 millisecond delay to the squareRoot function. Re-run the code and see that there's a delay before the answer is printed.

##Ajax Search Form

Download and unzip the ajax_exercise.zip file in a folder. Run it using python server.py and access the app at http://localhost:5000. This is a Flask app. To start, it should render a form at the root URL /. It should also return some JSON result data at /search.

Using jQuery, capture the form submit events: prevent the default submit action make an Ajax request to the /search URL using $.get when the data comes back, render the result data to ul#result-list as individual li items Send a query parameter to the /search. You may use jQuery's serialize method: $('#search-form').serialize() and plug its result into the data parameter (the second parameter) of $.get. On the backend, verify that you are getting the query parameter passed in by printing request.args. Create a database of websites. Each website needs only a title and a URL. A database schema has been provided in db.sql. Make a database, and manually enter some data for querying. Change the search function of server.py to query the database for matching websites instead of returning the hard-coded results from results.json. Test to see that the search form is now working.