
This supports interactive UI with using the message component.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



This supports interactive UI with using the message component.


In preparation.


  • .NET 6
  • Discord.Net 3.9.0






Preparing to receive command with the use of Discord.Net.

Initialize DiscordGUILib

You need to pass the client to GUIModuleInitializer.
Will be becomes possible use DiscordGUILib.

// using Discord.WebSocket;
// using DiscordGUILib;

private void InitializeGUIModule(BaseSocketClient client)

How to use components.

Give an examples of how to use components.
This example is used interaction framework.

Toggle button


using Discord.Interactions;
using DiscordGUILib.Components;

namespace Examples;

public class ToggleModule : InteractionModuleBase 
    [SlashCommand("toggle", "send the toggle button")]
    public async Task ToggleTest()
        var checkedDef = new ButtonDefinition("Checked!!", ButtonStyle.Success, emote: Emoji.Parse(":ballot_box_with_check:"));
        var unCheckedDef = new ButtonDefinition("Unchecked", ButtonStyle.Danger, emote: Emoji.Parse(":blue_square:"));
        // Create the component id.
        var componentId = ComponentIdFactory<ToggleButton>.CreateFromGuid();
        // Or use, `var componentId = ComponentIdFactory<ToggleButton>.CreateNew("any string(max length is 50.)");`

        // Create the instance of toggle button.
        var toggleButton = new ToggleButton(componentId, checkedDef, unCheckedDef);

        // The event if button was checked by user.
        toggleButton.Checked += async (button, component) =>
            await component.RespondAsync("Changed to checked.");
        // The event if button was unchecked by user.
        toggleButton.Unchecked += async (button, component) =>
            await ReplyAsync(component.Data.CustomId);
            await component.RespondAsync("Changed to unchecked.");
        await RespondAsync("toggle button", components: toggleButton.GetComponentBuilder().Build());

Chain button


[SlashCommand("chain_button", "send the chain button")]
public async Task ChainTest()
    var state1 = new ChainButtonState(new ButtonDefinition("1", ButtonStyle.Danger, emote: Emoji.Parse(":one:")));
    state1.Pushed += async (button, component) =>
        await component.RespondAsync("2");

    var state2 = new ChainButtonState(new ButtonDefinition("2", ButtonStyle.Primary, emote: Emoji.Parse(":two:")));
    state2.Pushed += async (button, component) =>
       await component.RespondAsync("3");

    var state3 = new ChainButtonState(new ButtonDefinition("3", ButtonStyle.Success, emote: Emoji.Parse(":three:")));
    state3.Pushed += async (button, component) =>
        await component.RespondAsync("1");
    var states = new List<ChainButtonState>() { state1, state2, state3 };

    // Create the component id.
    var componentId = ComponentIdFactory<ToggleButton>.CreateFromGuid();
    // Or use, `var componentId = ComponentIdFactory<ToggleButton>.CreateNew("any string");`

    // Create the instance of chain button.
    var chainButton = new ChainButton(componentId, states);

    await RespondAsync("chain button", components: chainButton.GetComponentBuilder().Build());

Pagination Menu


using Discord.Interactions;
using DiscordGUILib.Components;

namespace Examples;

public class PaginationMenuModule : InteractionModuleBase 
    [SlashCommand("menu", "send the pagination menu.")]
    public async Task MenuTest()
        // Create pagination items.
        var items = new List<PaginationMenuItem>();
        for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
            items.Add(new PaginationMenuItem($"label{i}", i, "description"));
        var componentId = ComponentIdFactory<PaginationMenu>.CreateFromGuid();
        var pagination = new PaginationMenu(componentId, items);
        // The event if item was selected by user.
        pagination.OnSelected += async (args) =>
            await args.Component.RespondAsync($"You select {args.SelectedItem.Label}.");
        // The event if cancel was selected by user. 
        pagination.OnCanceled += async (menu, component) =>
            await component.RespondAsync("canceled");

        await RespondAsync("pagination menu", components: pagination.GetComponentBuilder().Build());


public async Task PaginationTest()
    // Create the component id.
    var componentId = ComponentIdFactory<ToggleButton>.CreateFromGuid();
    // Or use, `var componentId = ComponentIdFactory<ToggleButton>.CreateNew("any string")
    var pagination = new Pagination(componentId, 10);
    pagination.PageChanged += async (pagination, component) =>
        await component.DeferAsync();
    await RespondAsync("pagination", components: pagination.GetComponentBuilder().Build());

Error Handling of command

Can't use the component was sent before restart bot. It's because the instance of the component was lost when close the bot.

public class ModuleTest : InteractionModuleBase
    static ModuleTest()
        ToggleButton.OnError += OnError;
        PaginationMenu.OnError += OnError;

    private static async Task OnError(SocketMessageComponent component)
        await component.RespondAsync("Can't use the component was sent before restart bot.");

Dispose component

If you disable the component, you must call ToDisable().


Example: PaginationMenu will be disabled when an item is selected.

pagination.OnSelected += async (args) =>
    await args.Component.RespondAsync($"You select {args.SelectedItem.Label}.");
    // ComponentBase derived to PaginationMenu, ChainButton, etc.
    ComponentBase component = args.PaginationMenu;
    SocketMessageComponent messageComponent = args.Component;
    await messageComponent.Message.DeleteAsync();


Kind of the component

  • Toggle button
  • Chain button
  • Pagination
  • Pagination menu




DiscordGUILib is licensed under the MIT License.