
Extension for vscode

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This extension is a edited version of "Run In Terminal" by kortina.

Instead of the args in keybidings, it only use setting for configuration.

I also add saveBeforeRun function, and allow multiple commands by KeepGoing attribute.


Run user defined commands in terminal accoding to filename regex. The default shortcut is shift+f10, and you can change it in keybindings.

Allow multiple commands by KeepGoing attribute in command setting.

Extension Settings

Here is an example.

    "RunInTerminal": {
        "saveBeforeRun": true,
        "commands": [
                "cmd": "cd ${fileDirname}",
                "keepGoing": true
                // change to current working dir
                "cmd": "clear",
                "keepGoing": true
                // clear screen
                "match": "\\.js$",
                "cmd": "node ${fileBasename}"
                // if match passed, this cmd will be executed and then exit.
                "match": "\\.txt$"
                // if match passed, it will exit.
                "cmd": "xdg-open ${fileBasename}"
                // only executed when not js or txt.

If saveBeforeRun is true, the current file will be saved before any commands begin.

Then, RunInTerminal will check each command defined in commands.

For items with match attribute, the command will only be excuted when the name of current file matches the regex in match.

If name match failed, RunInTerminal will go to next command.

And if name match passed or there are no match attribute, RunInTerminal will go to next command only if keepGoing here is true. Else, it will exit.

Substitution Tokens

You can use the following substition tokens in cmd strings:

  • ${column}
  • ${cwd}
  • ${env.} // replace environment variables
  • ${file}
  • ${fileBasename}
  • ${fileBasenameNoExt}
  • ${fileDirname}
  • ${fileExtname}
  • ${line}
  • ${relativeFile}
  • ${workspaceRoot}

Release Notes


  • Initial release


  • Add Function: Scroll to bottom of the terminal before execution of commands.
