
CSDS 444 Course Project

Primary LanguageJava


CSDS 444 Course Project

Project Topic: Access Control Systems Build at least four access control models introduced in the class *Access Control Matrix/List *Bell La-Padula *Biba *Chinese Wall Build a UI to create a user, an object, and grant permissions in different usage scenarios

Initial Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13Cl1Lf_bCWe8C3vSrK_ry_S5PEee9PveqfVFb2UnGWk/edit?ts=5f9b1d3f Final Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wZn_7U3voztSOe4Iyp4drtQVz4u_FBUG6Ouq9RGkxhM/edit?ts=5fc26d33

People: Tian Wang: txw387@case.edu Lianpeng Zuo: lxz646@case.edu Ian Pallares: iap20@case.edu Arthur Eff: aye3@case.edu