CircularPlotter is a Python-based visualization tool designed to plot datasets in a circular format with Bezier curves connecting data points.
Datasets must have a 'class' column with all other columns being numerical.
Iris Setosa vs Virginica and Versicolor classes:
- Plots data points in a circular format based on the number of attributes.
- Connects data points with Bezier curves.
- Highlights the curves underneath the cursor.
- Prints the datapoint vectors.
- Runs Linear Discriminant Analysis on the dataset.
- Plots the confusion matrix and decision boundary.
- Supports multiple classes with unique color per class.
- Adjustable Bezier curve control points for inner and outer curves.
- Integrated file-picker for easy dataset selection.
- Python 3.x
- Libraries:
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- sklearn
- seaborn
- tkinter
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.