
@CWU-VKD-LAB research project to build visual machine learning models with multidimensional visualizations and interactive classification tools.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DCVis: Dynamic Coordinate Visualization System

DCVis is software for Visual Knowledge Discovery (VKD) developed at Central Washington University's Visual Knowledge Discovery Lab. Initiated in 2022, the project is built by Alice Williams, James Battistoni IV, Charles Recaido, and Dr. Boris Kovalerchuk.

DCVis allows users to interactively build visual ML models for classifying new data. It offers tools to explore multidimensional data using General Line Coordinate visualizations and includes features for interactive classification and synthetic data generation to enhance supervised learning models.

Demo Video

Please see a quick 3 minute video to watch the software in action here.


  • Python 3.x: Recommended version 3.6 or higher (primarily developed on Python 3.10.6).
  • Dependencies: Install libraries from requirements.txt by running pip install -r requirements.txt in the terminal.


To set up the project:

  1. Download the project and open it in a terminal:

    • Use git to download and open in an IDE with an integrated terminal.
  2. Create a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv

    (The virtual environment will be named venv)

  3. Activate the virtual environment: (Refer to the table below for your OS and shell)

  4. Install the required libraries:

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Start the application:

    python DCVIS_MAIN.py
Platform Shell Command to activate virtual environment
POSIX bash/zsh $ source <venv>/bin/activate
fish $ source <venv>/bin/activate.fish
csh/tcsh $ source <venv>/bin/activate.csh
PowerShell $ <venv>/bin/Activate.ps1
Windows cmd.exe C:\> <venv>\Scripts\activate.bat
PowerShell PS C:\> <venv>\Scripts\Activate.ps1

Source: Python Virtual Environments Documentation


Execute the DCVIS_MAIN.py script to launch the DCVis application:

python DCVIS_MAIN.py

Software Features

DCVis offers tools for visualizing and analyzing multidimensional numerical data:

Visualization Capabilities

  • 2D Visualizations: Use OpenGL to render multidimensional data from .csv or .txt files.
  • Color Palette Generation: Generates default palette colors with most possibly distinct colors.
    ('Benign' and 'Positive' class names get green by default and 'Malignant' and 'Negative' class names are assigned red.)
  • Interactive Plotting: Pan, zoom, and adjust color/transparency options.
  • Dynamic Visualization: Reorder or invert axes to uncover patterns in n-D data.

Data Interaction

  • Clipping Tools: Dual-right click to highlight, analyze, export, or hide data.
    Clip Types, (all three are exported each clip analysis execution to CSV files):
    • Vertex clip: check if the vertex is inside the rectangle
    • Line clip: check if the line is inside the rectangle
    • End clip: check if the last vertex of the line is inside the rectangle
  • Point Selection: Select points directly on the plot for detailed examination.

Classification and Analysis

  • Rule-Based Classification: Create and combine classification rules to build visual ML models.
  • Enhanced Learning Models: Use interactive tools and synthetic data generation to improve supervised learning classifiers.


  • Configurable Display: Customize background, class, and axes colors.
  • Visibility Toggles: Show or hide axes, points, and other elements.
  • Trace Mode: Use alternating colors to trace data points across visualization schemes.

User Interface Enhancements

  • Interactive UI Elements: Manage data and visualization settings with intuitive controls.
  • Hotkeys and Shortcuts: Access frequently used functions with keyboard shortcuts.

These features provide an interactive, user-friendly experience for data analysis.

Mouse Interactions

  • Pan Plot: Click and drag with the scroll-wheel.
  • Zoom: Scroll the mouse wheel.
  • Box Clipping: Right-click twice to create a clipping rectangle.
  • Select Point: Left-click to select single or multiple points.
  • Grow Clipping Box: Middle-click once to create clipping box, again to grow it.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Cycle Selections: Q and E keys.
  • Adjust Vertical Position: W and S keys.
  • Delete Samples: D key.
  • Print Samples: P key.
  • Clone Samples: C key.
  • Insert Sample: I key.

UI Elements

  • Highlight Clipped Cases: Clipped cases are highlighted; use 'Add Classification Rule' to convert to a new rule.
  • Rule Visibility: Toggle visibility with the checkbox next to the rule.
  • Reorder Tables: Drag and drop within class and attribute tables.
  • Adjust Transparency: Use the slider below the attribute table.

Datasets Included

Dataset Cases Features Classes File Name
Fisher Iris 150 4 3 fisher_iris.csv
Breast Cancer Wisconsin (30 features) 569 30 2 breast-cancer-wisconsin.csv
Breast Cancer Wisconsin (9 features) 569 9 2 breast-cancer-wisconsin-9f.csv
Diabetes 768 8 2 diabetes.csv
Heart Disease 1,025 13 2 heart_disease.csv
Ionosphere 351 34 2 ionosphere.csv
MNIST Capital Letters 20,000 16 26 MNIST_letters.csv
Sinusoidal Wave 200 2 2 sin_cos.csv
Wheat Seed 210 7 3 wheat_seeds.csv
Wine 4,898 11 7 wine.csv
Fisher Iris 2 (doubled classes) 300 4 6 fisher_iris2.csv
Fisher Iris Setosa vs Versicolor 100 4 2 fisher_iris_SvVe.csv
Iris Setosa 50 4 1 iris_setosa.csv
Iris Setosa vs Virginica 100 4 2 iris_S_vs_VV.csv
Iris Versicolor vs Virginica 100 4 2 iris_V_vs_V.csv
Iris Setosa vs Versicolor vs Virginica 150 4 3 iris_SVe_vs_Vi.csv
Synthetic Grades (100 cases) 100 3 3 synthetic_grades_100case.csv
Synthetic Grades (250 cases) 250 3 3 synthetic_grades_250case.csv
Synthetic Grades (25 cases) 25 3 3 synthetic_grades_25case.csv
Synthetic Grades (50 cases) 50 3 3 synthetic_grades_50case.csv
Synthetic Grades (75 cases) 75 3 3 synthetic_grades_75case.csv
MNIST Capital Letters A vs B 10,000 16 2 MNIST_letters_AvB.csv
Artificial Test 10 2 2 artiftest.txt

Datasets included meet data formatting requirements listed in the next section. Files placed in subfolders of the datasets folder are in the .gitignore to store personal data.

Dataset Requirements

DCVis works with structured numerical datasets and requires a data format of:

  • File Format: .txt or .csv
  • Header Row: Must include headers for feature names and the label column.
  • Label Column: Must be named 'class'.
  • Feature Columns:
    • Variable number of columns
    • Labeled in the header
    • Must contain numerical data only

These requirements ensure proper data recognition and processing for accurate visualizations in DCVis. Datasets included meet these requirements.

Visualizations Supported

Generalized vertex class included for adding visualization methods.
This visualization tool features multiple visualisation methods:

  • Parallel Coordinates (PC) PC
  • Shifted Paired Coordinates (SPC) SPC
  • Dynamic Scaffold Coordinates 1 (DSC1) DSC1
  • Dynamic Scaffold Coordinates 2 (DSC2) DSC2
  • Static Circular Coordinates (SCC) SCC
  • Dynamic Circular Coordinates (DCC) DCC

Demonstrative Examples

93.33% classification of Iris with three rules found in SPC Basic SPC classification

DCC Iris Setosa and Versicolor classes with LDA coefficients separation Basic DCC LDA separation

Software Issues

If you encounter any difficulties with the software please submit an issue with screenshots of the behavior occurring and explanation of the expected behavior.

Key Publications

DCVis is a complete rebuild of the DSCVis software, with new visualizations and enhanced tools.


DCVis is licensed under the MIT License, allowing both personal and commercial use. For full details, see the LICENSE file.