Quickly search for the tax rate and amount based on either a zip code or a tax code and a zip code using Avalara's priemier API for AvaTax.
Thanks to our instructor, Steve Geluso and our great Teaching Assistants, Molly Kent, Darcy MacCabe, and Casey Cady. Special thanks to Ted and Wayne from Avalara for bringing us this project and introducing us to AvaTax's SDK.
- Java 1.8
- HTML 5
- CSS 1.0, 3.0
- SpringBoot MVC
- Gradle
- Thymeleaf
- IntellJ Ultimate
- Android Studio
- Git
- GitHub
- AvaTax SDK for Developers
- Apache HTTPClient info found here
- Apache HTTPPost info found here
- Code Example for how to add a JSON object to a HTTPRequest Body found here
- Code Example for how to make an ImageView clickable and go to a URL for here
All content, as of September 14, 2018 is currently under Public Domain and not copywritten. This may change in the future.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE for more details.