
Istrolid Server in TypeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Istrolid game server reverse engineered!!

How does it work

It basically just listens on a web socket server and sends everything it got to sim

What's needed


  1. Get the server code
git clone https://github.com/Rio6/IstrolidServer.git
cd IstrolidServer
  1. Edit config.json to change:
  • name to your server name
  • port to the port you want your server to run on
  • addr is your public ip
  • root_addr is the ip to root server or proxy, in would look like ws://address:port/server
  1. Install missing dependencies
npm install .
  1. Run the server
npm start

Root server proxy

Root proxy is no longer required, but can still be used. I have one set up here ws://istrolid-root.herokuapp.com/server

Just put it in root_addr field in config.json, then you can access it through http://istrolid.com/game.html?rootAddress=ws://istrolid-root.herokuapp.com

Dont forget to open holes on your router


There's a nodejs repl server listening on localhost port 5001. You can use this tool to access it