
Prediction bot for Discord written in Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Coverage Status

This is a Discord bot to run predictions, inspired by the Twitch prediction system. When added to a server, mods can begin a prediction with the !question command. Users in the server can predict with their points, and a mod can pay-out when the result is given. Users will double their predicted points if they are correct.

This bot is written in Node.js with the discord.js module.


The commands available are split into two groups: those that anyone can perform (participating in the predictions), and those that only the moderators can perform (running the predictions).

General Commands

Command Arguments Description
!register Registers a user
!predict [yes/no] [amount to predict] Predict specified amount of points on yes/no
!balance View your balance
!leaderboard View all registered users balances, sorted in decreasing order

Moderator Commands

Command Arguments Description
!question [question sentence] Ask a question to predict on
!close Close the predictions and wait for result
!result [yes/no] Submit the result of the prediction
!refund Refund the points in the current prediction

How to set up

To add this to your local discord server, there are a few steps:

  1. Create the Discord bot. For instructions to do this, click here and refer to the "Discord Setup" section. The bot token needs to be set in the BOT_TOKEN field of config.json.
  2. Create a MySQL database. The password needs to be set in the DB_PASSWORD field of config.json, and the other fields can be set in the constructor of the class in models/mysql.js.
  3. Set the Discord ID of the moderators in the MOD_LIST field of config.json. For instructions to find a user's Discord ID, click here.
  4. Clone this repo, run npm install, then run the program with npm start.

Config file options

In config.json, there are some properties that must be set as part of the set up process:

Property Default Value Description
BOT_TOKEN Token of the Discord bot to connect to
DB_PASSWORD Password to connect to the MySQL Database
INITIAL_BALANCE 300 Balance a user gets when they register
MAX_BET 250000 The maximum bet size
MOD_LIST List containing Discord IDs of moderators