
Ymer is a MongoDB based SpaceDataSource and SpaceSynchronizationEndpoint for GigaSpaces with support to apply data migrations during initial load

Primary LanguageJava


This project is no longer publicly maintained. It will receive no more updates and will eventually be removed.

Ymer Framework

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Ymer is a MongoDB based SpaceDataSource and SpaceSynchronizationEndpoint for GigaSpaces with support to apply data migrations during initial load.

Previous versions

v2.0.x - Based on GigaSpaces 14.5 and Java 11 v1.4.x - Based on GigaSpaces 10.1.1 and Java 8


A SpaceDataSource and SpaceSynchronizationEndpoint is created using an YmerFactory. Ymer uses Spring Data MongoDB:

  • A MongoConverter is used to convert between space object form and bson (MongoDB) form
  • A MongoDatabaseFactory is used to create an instance of a mongodb client

You configure YmerFactory with a MongoConverter that can convert all objects that are intended to be persisted in MongoDB, and you provide a MongoDatabaseFactory which effectively defines in what MongoDB instance the objects should be persisted. In addition to a MongoConverter and a MongoDatabaseFactory instance you also have to provide a collection of MirroredObjectDefinition's to define what set of space objects are intended to be persisted in MongoDB. Later in the lifecycle for an application you also use the MirroredObjectDefinition to define what patches to (possibly) apply to migrate the data from one version to the next.

You might use the YmerFactory directly from your spring configuration (xml or java configuration), or you might implement an application specific factory for a SpaceDataSource and SpaceSynchronizationEndpoint as the following example illustrates:


This example shows how to use Ymer to create an application specific factory for a SpaceDataSource and SpaceSynchronizationEndpoint. Source code and a couple of demo test cases is located in the examples folder. In the example all objects of type SpaceFruit will be persisted in MongoDB using Ymer.

Application specific factory

public class ExampleMirrorFactory {

	// Ymer uses a MongoDatabaseFactory to create the target instance using MongoDatabaseFactory#getMongoDatabase().
	private MongoDatabaseFactory mongoDatabaseFactory;

	public SpaceDataSource createSpaceDataSource() {
		return new YmerFactory(mongoDatabaseFactory, getMirroredObjectsConfiguration()).createSpaceDataSource();

	public SpaceSynchronizationEndpoint createSpaceSynchronizationEndpoint() {
		return new YmerFactory(mongoDatabaseFactory, getMirroredObjectsConfiguration()).createSpaceSynchronizationEndpoint();

	static MirroredObjectsConfiguration getMirroredObjectsConfiguration() {
		return ExampleMirrorFactory::getDefinitions;

	// Each MirroredObjectDefinition defines that all space objects of a given type should be persisted
	// using Ymer.
	private static Collection<MirroredObjectDefinition<?>> getDefinitions() {
		return List.of(

Usage of custom factory in pu.xml

<os-core:space id="testSpace" url="/./example-space" mirror="true" space-data-source="spaceDataSource">
	<!-- configuration... -->

<!-- Configure SpaceDataSource used for initial load -->
<mongo:db-factory id="mongoDbFactory" dbname="exampleDb" mongo-ref="mongo" />
<bean id="mirrorFactory" class="example.mirror.ExampleMirrorFactory"/>
<bean id="spaceDataSource" factory-bean="mirrorFactory" factory-method="createSpaceDataSource"/>

Usage of custom factory in mirror-pu.xml

<os-core:mirror id="mirrorGigaSpace" url="/./example-space-mirror" space-sync-endpoint="spaceSyncEndpoint">
	<!-- configuration... -->

<!-- Configure SpaceSynchronizationEndpoint -->
<mongo:db-factory id="mongoDbFactory" dbname="exampleDb" mongo-ref="mongo" />
<bean id="mirrorFactory" class="example.mirror.ExampleMirrorFactory"/>
<bean id="spaceSyncEndpoint" factory-bean="mirrorFactory"

Data migration

The data migration support in Ymer is designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Data migration is performed "just in time" during deployment of the application. No external scripts are required to migrate the data. Migration is performed during initial load.
  • The application can migrate any database, regardless of age.

Ymer adds a _formatVersion property to each persisted document to track the version number for each individual document it stores in MongoDB. The version number is used to decide if a given document requires patching during initial load before using the supplied MongoConverter to convert the document into a space object. Note that this design frees the MongoConvert instance from handling different versions. The MongoConverter only has to know how to convert to and from the latest version of the document format.

In order for Ymer to be able to migrate data, the application developer writes a DocumentPatch every time the data format changes. The DocumentPatches associated with a given space type implicitly decides the version of the document format. If there a zero DocumentPatches, then the current version is "1", but if there exist a patch for version "1", "2" and "3", then the current version is "4".


// First version of SpaceFruit 
public class SpaceFruit {

	private String name;
	private String origin;


// New version of SpaceFruit adds new "organic" property
public class SpaceFruit {

	private String name;
	private String origin;
	private boolean organic;


// A DocumentPatch is applied by ymer to the raw bson (mongo) document during initial load
class SpaceFruitV1ToV2Patch implements BsonDocumentPatch {

	public void apply(Document dbObject) {
		// We add a default value for the "organic" property to all existing SpaceFruit's
		dbObject.put("organic", false);

	// This patch applies to documents that are on version 1. It patches
	// the document to version 2.
	public int patchedVersion() {
		return 1;


// Patches are added to the MirroredObjectDefinition
		        .documentPatches(new SpaceFruitV1ToV2Patch())

Test support

Ymer includes three test base classes which can be used to verify that the defined MongoConverter can convert all mirrored space objects to bson, to test that data-migrations are applied as intended and also to check for @SpaceClass annotated classes that are not persisted.

These tests are available for junit4 in the ymer-test-junit4 module and for junit5 in the ymer-test-junit5-module.

The examples provided below are using junit5.

class ExampleMirrorConverterTest extends YmerConverterTestBase {

	protected MirroredObjectsConfiguration getMirroredObjectsConfiguration() {
		return ExampleMirrorFactory.getMirroredObjectsConfiguration();

	protected Collection<ConverterTest<?>> testCases() {
		return List.of(
			new ConverterTest<>(new SpaceFruit("Apple", "France", true))
class ExampleMirrorMigrationTest extends YmerMigrationTestBase {

	protected Collection<MirroredObjectDefinition<?>> getMirroredObjectDefinitions() {
		return ExampleMirrorFactory.getDefinitions();

	protected Collection<MigrationTest> testCases() {
		return List.of(
	private static MigrationTest spaceFruitV1ToV2MigrationTest() {
		Document v1Doc = new Document();
		v1Doc.put("_id", "apple");
		v1Doc.put("_class", "examples.domain.SpaceFruit");
		v1Doc.put("origin", "Spain");
		Document v2Doc = new Document();
		v2Doc.put("_id", "apple");
		v2Doc.put("_class", "examples.domain.SpaceFruit");
		v2Doc.put("origin", "Spain");
		v2Doc.put("organic", false);
		return new MigrationTest(v1Doc, v2Doc, 1, SpaceFruit.class);
class ExampleMirroredTypesTest extends YmerMirroredTypesTestBase {

	protected Collection<MirroredObjectDefinition<?>> mirroredObjectDefinitions() {
		return ExampleMirrorFactory.getDefinitions();

	protected String basePackageForScanning() {
		return "examples.domain.";


Ymer is packed as a single jar file. Maven users can get Ymer using the following coordinates:


The junit5 test support is packed in a distinct jar using the following coordinates:


Previous versions

Branch Description
v1.4.x Based on GigaSpaces 10.1.1 and Java 8
gs14.5 Based on GigaSpaces 14.5 and Java 11


The Ymer Framework is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.