
Parser, AST-builder, and type-checker research

Primary LanguageKotlin

The Lobos Project

This project aims to build a smart-ass static analysis lexer and parser. It's not meant to be used as a library, but rather, it's meant to be used as a point of reference (at least for me) to build future parsers. If you're an onlooker who is interested in copying this lexer & parser code, feel free to do so. Keep in mind that this implementation is specialized, so you would have to change up more than a few classes if you want to parse your language. The last thing you need for your parser is to be riddled in generic hell.

Example Features

String Templating

The Lobos compiler desugars string templating at the lexer phase.

"$variable is cool."    ->      "" + variable + " is cool."
"${1 + 2} is cool."     ->      "" + (1 + 2) + " is cool."

Disabling the initial empty string only requires changing a few lines of code.

Tuple Types

Tuples are basically unnamed aggregates of values.

let unit: () = ();
let tuple: (i32, i64, str) = (1, 2, "3");
let other: ("up" | "down", i32) = ("up", 6);

Union Types


Invalid Tokens and Expressions

Invalid expressions will not crash and stop parsing progress.

let a: i32 = ?;
let b = 12;

The code above generate the following AST: (given that ? and ! are non-valid expressions)

├── [Invalid expression.]
├── [Invalid expression.]
└── let b
    └── 12

Similarly, if the lexer does not recognize a character, it will simply return an invalid token instead of throwing an exception.


Generics parameters is supported. Erasure or type templating is dependent on AST transformation.