
SURF/OVRAS 2020 Project

Primary LanguageRust

ERT / Concierge

Websocket protocol for connecting multiple client types and facilitating transfer of information between specific clients. The server is based upon Rust, actix-web and serde+serde_json.

Project Structure

  • ./ Root: The Rust central server ert-concierge code is located at src/.
    • ./services/ Services: Contains code for various services that can be connected to the central server.
      • ./services/chat_service Chat service: Python service that facilitates very simple chat functions.
      • ./services/planetary_sim Planetary simulation: Python service that runs Alison Noyes's planetary simulation.
      • ./services/physics_sim Physics simulation: Rust service that runs a physics simulation/game.
  • ./concierge_api_rs Concierge API: The working definition and serialization code (using serde) of the API as described in this document.
  • ./babylonjs-web BabylonJS front-end: The web front-end that uses BabylonJS for rendering 3D objects.
    • ./babylonjs-web/src Front-end source: The front-end code is written using React and TypeScript, and managed using Webpack.
    • ./babylonjs-web/dist Front-end compiled code: This is the code compiled using Webpack. For more information on compilation, see the README.md.


Compiling Native Artifacts

cargo build --release --workspace

This will build optimized Rust artifacts of ert_concierge and physics_sim. This might take a long time.

Compiling Webpack Front-end

cd babylonjs-web/; npm run build; cd ../

This will cd to the front-end directory and build the TypeScript files into minified and bundled JavaScript files.



To access the front-end, you simply compile (see above) and launch the index.html file. Alternatively, the front-end is also mounted at /babylonjs when the central server is running.

Central Server

cargo run --release
cargo run --release -p ert_concierge

Physics Simulation

cargo run --release -p physics_sim

The physics simulation should only be ran after the central server has been launched. This will connect the physics simulation to a locally-hosted central server.

Planetary Simulation

cd planetary_sim/; python3 concierge_bot.py

The planetary simulation should only be ran after the central server has been launched. This will connect the planetary simulation to a locally-hosted central server.

Connecting to External Central Server

In the case that the central server and physics simulation is not located on the same machine, you can run the following instead:

cargo run -p physics_sim --release ws://ADDRESS:64209/ws


  • Websocket protocol for interacting with the concierge, the main method of data communication.
  • File system protocol for transferring files between clients connected to the Concierge.
  • Rust rundown for future maintainers.