
MERN Stack E-Commerce Web App. 🛒

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nozama (MERN Stack E-Commerce Web App)

Check out the website here


  1. Sliding Window Rate Limiter (using Node cache memory) to control traffic
  2. Fixed Window Rate Limiter (using Node cache memory) for IP banning
  3. JWT Authentication
  4. Customers can add items to cart and change the quantity from the cart page
  5. All orders history is also available to the user along with relevant information
  6. Search functionality to find different products
  7. Updates stock, rating and comments as per the input by customers
  8. Admin control to add and delete products
  9. Admin also confirms the delivery of order
  10. Stripe api integrated. Currently allows only credit card

Tech Stack used

  1. ReactJS for front-end
  2. Redux for state management
  3. SASS for CSS pre processing
  4. Redux thunk middleware for asynchronus redux actions
  5. React router for routing to different pages
  6. Express middleware on the backened to handle routes and requests
  7. Mongoose for the database schema and performing operations
  8. MongoDB used as a database

Currently working on

  1. Currently adding unit tests and integration test for various components

API Documentation

Type Route Access Description
GET /api/orders Private Returns a list of all the user has made. If the request is made by admin it returns all the orders
GET /api/products Public Returns all the products
GET /api/products/{id} Public Returns a specific product as per the id
GET /api/users/profile Private Returns the details of the currently logged in user
POST /api/key Public Returns the Public stripe key
POST /api/orders Private It stores the order details and makes a payment intent with stripe
POST /api/products/add Private(Admin) Adds a new product to the database
POST /api/products/reviews Private Adds a review for a product by a logged in user
POST /api/products/reviews/deletereviews Private Deletes the comment (if any) made by logged in user
POST /api/products/updateQty Private Updates the product stock when an order is palced
POST /api/products/delete Private(Admin) Delete the product from the database
POST /api/users/login Public Checks for credentials and send JWT token for further requests by the user
POST /api/users/register Public Validates the information and add new user to database
PUT /api/users/profile Private Updates the user details

Future plans for this project

  1. UI works for now at least, although I want to make it more polished. Maybe work on UI a bit later (After getting my hands on Figma).

Install this project

git clone https://github.com/Avash027/Nozama.git
cd project

To install all the dependencies

Run the command in the root directory and the client directory

npm install

Now create a .env file in the root directory

NODE_ENV = (production/deployment as per the use)
PORT = (Port of the server)
MONGO_URI = (Database URL provided by the MonogDB atlas)
SECRET_KEY = (For JWT Authentication)
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY  = (Secret Key provided by stripe)
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY  = (Public Key provided by stripe)

Check out .env.example

To run the project on the local machine

npm run dev

Some relevant links of the languages and tools I used

  1. Javascript
  2. CSS
  3. SASS
  4. ReactJS
  5. Redux
  6. Express
  7. Mongoose
  8. MongoDB
  9. NodeJS
  10. Stripe
