
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Connect with folks from universities across the globe. Share your stories, experiences and feedback

Webapp live at: Here

Note: For now it uses domain of iiit-bh.ac.in. But you can use test email for checking the app

Libraries and Frameworks used

  • Used Postgres for database
  • Sendgrid for sending verification mail
  • Tensorflow for flagging offensive/harmful content
  • Express for the backend framework
  • NextJS for the frontend
  • Mantine for UI Components
  • Axios for making API Calls
  • js-Cookie for storing and accessing cookies in browser
  • nookies for storing and accessing cookies from nextjs app


  • Machine Learning model is used to flag offensive/harmful content. Users can choose to view or ignore these posts.
  • Users can perform all operations like posting, liking, bookmarking and deleting.
  • Email verification is used to prevent spam.
  • Only users with verified domain are allowed to sign up (Just like blind).
  • Admin dashboard to ban / verify users and add new domain address.

API Documentation

Type Route Access Description
POST /api/signup Public Allows new user to signup
POST /api/login Public Allows user to login
GET /api/verify/:token Public Verifies user
GET /api/user Private Returns user details
POST /api/post Private Allows user to make a new post
GET /api/post/:offset/:limit Private Returns latest post from [offset offset + limit)
POST /api/like Private Allows users to like a post
POST /api/bookmarks Private Allows user to bookmark a post
GET /api/singlepost/:pid Private Returns one post with pid
GET /api/bookmarks/:offset/:limit Private Returns all bookmarked post from [offset, offset + limit)
GET /api/user/post/:offset/:limit Private Returns all liked post from [offset, offset + limit)
DELETE /api/post/:pid Private Deletes the post with id pid
GET /api/admin/users Admin Gets all users
POST /api/admin/user Admin Updates user details
GET /api/admin/colleges Admin Gets all colleges
POST /api/admin/college Admin Adds a new college to the list

Database design

Install the frontend

git clone https://github.com/Avash027/cloak.git
cd cloak
npm install
npm run dev

Set up the enviroment variables


Install the backend

git clone https://github.com/Avash027/cloak-server.git
cd cloak-server
npm install
npm run dev

Set the enviroment variables