
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Connectify (Full stack NextJS social media app)

Website live at : here

Tech Stack used

  1. NextJS for server side rendering react app
  2. Express middleware on the backened to handle routes and requests
  3. Mongoose for the database schema and performing operations
  4. MongoDB used as a database
  5. Bootstrap for front-end styling
  6. nookies and js-cookies for storing tokens in cookies


  1. Users can post and also like and comment on posts
  2. SEO friendly (thanks to NextJs :P)
  3. Users can follow others. Their following and followers count is also visible
  4. Users can reset password through email OTP service
  5. Users are notified when someone likes or comments on their post or when someone follows them
  6. Users can edit their profile details from profile page

Future plans

  • Add a stories section
  • Add more colors to the front end (It's pretty black and white now )

API Documentation

Type Route Access Description
GET /api/auth/user/:username Public Return success if username is unique
POST /api/auth/signup Public If all the fields are valid then the user is added to the database and a success response is sent back
POST /api/auth/login Public If the user is already signed up then it sends a success code and a JWT Token
POST /api/auth/user Private If the user is valid then it returns user and user follow stats
GET /api/notifications Private Returns all the notifications if the user is valid
POST /api/notifications Private Changes the unread notifications to false and send a success response if user is valid
POST /api/posts Private Adds a new post to the database if the user and all post details is valid and return the new post
GET /api/posts/explore Private Returns all the posts by all the users in descending order of created time
GET /api/posts/feed Private Returns all the posts by the people whom the user is following
DELETE /api/posts/:postId Private Deletes the post and return the success code
POST /api/posts/like/:postId Private Adds a like by the user to the post and return a sucess code
POST /api/posts/unlike/:postId Private Removes the like by the user (if any)
GET /api/posts/like/:postId Private Gets all the likes on the post
POST /api/posts/comment/:postId Private Adds a comment by the user to the desired post
DELETE /api/posts/comment/:postId/:commentId Private Deletes the specific comment made by the user
GET /api/profile/:username Private Returns the profile as per the username param
GET /api/profile/posts/:username Private Returns all the posts by the username
GET /api/profile/followers/:userId Private Returns all the followers of the user
GET /api/profile/following/:userId Private Returns all the people user is following
POST /api/profile/follow/:userToFollowId Private Adds userToFollow to the following of user and user to followers of userToFollow
POST /api/profile/unfollow/:userToUnFollowId Private Removes userToUnFollow from the following of user and user from followers of userToUnFollow
POST /api/profile/update Private Updates user name, bio and profile picture
POST /api/profile/settings/password Private Updates user password
GET /api/reset Public Mails a reset token to the user
POST /api/reset Public Validates the reset token and updates the user password
GET /api/search/:username Private Sends all the username which have a prefix the username param

Found a bug 🐛

Raise an issue. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible

Install this project

git clone https://github.com/Avash027/connectify.git

To install all dependencies

npm install

Now create a .env file in the root directory

MONGO_URI = (Database URL provided by the MonogDB atlas)
SECRET_KEY = (For JWT Authentication)
NODE_ENV = (production/deployment as per the use)
MAIL_KEY = (Secret key provided by sendgrid)

Now create a next.config.js in the root directory and the following code

const withPWA = require("next-pwa");

module.exports = withPWA({
  env: {
    CLOUDINARY_URL: "Paste your coludinary url here",
  pwa: {
    dest: "public",
    register: true,
    sw: "/sw.js",

To run this project locally

npm run start

Some relevant links of the tool I have used in the project

  1. NextJS
  2. Javascript
  3. CSS
  4. Express
  5. Mongoose
  6. MongoDB
  7. NodeJS
