
deployment pipeline at AgilaSverige

Primary LanguagePerl

Deployment Pipeline


Not updated any more, use:



Sincerely Mikael Sennerholm 20141021

Old info

This project will create ContiuousDelivery pipeline setup that you can run on a reasonably spec laptop. It will create three virtual machines (which need 2GB RAM in total) that build, test, deploy and host the spring-petclinic application.

You can read more about the structure and the goals of the project on the [wiki] https://github.com/AvegaGroup/deploymentPipeline/wiki

Development Environment


Pre-requisite git

The environment setup files are stored on github and you need git to clone the repository.

Attention: The Mac version of the install script assumes that MacPorts is installed.

You find installation instructions for git on github.

Clone this repository into a folder of choice $ git clone https://github.com/AvegaGroup/deploymentPipeline.git

To test the deployment pipeline on a set of virtual machines in your development environment you need to install:

and add a Ubuntu server box: (Hopefully not needed anymore)

$ vagrant box add precise64 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box

NOTE! ONLY FOR Ubuntu: There is a script setup-dev.sh that do the above steps on a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and 12.10 machine:

$ ./setup-dev.sh

Vagrant configuration

Vagrant has a lot to offer when it comes to handy plug-ins.

The following two should be installed before vagrant is used below:

` vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
` vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier


Setup and provision the machines NOTE! Make sure that you are in the root directory of your Git image when running the following commands.

$ vagrant up

Log in on the machines:

$ vagrant ssh ci $ vagrant ssh test $ vagrant ssh prod

See the Vagrant documentation for more about handling the virtual machines.